


Today's reflection is being written rather late, and I'm in a bit of a rush. The reason is that I didn't control myself today and spent too much time playing games. This morning, I went to the library to organize tutorials all morning, but in the afternoon, I idled away my time there, just playing on my phone. Even though I was physically present at the library, I wasn't truly studying. I need to have a goal.

Tonight, my teacher scolded me again because of a formatting issue, but in fact, she never gave us any formatting requirements! She kept insisting that she had, and the other students got what they needed from their roommates, but I didn't ask for it. I only relied on my teacher, and that was a wrong decision.

Tomorrow morning, I need to print all the materials and hand them in. Then in the afternoon, I'll submit the electronic version. Tomorrow night, I can enjoy myself and have fun. I also need to find a job, so I have to keep going and keep fighting.