Mythic North Press is pleased to announce a the Enter the Nethraverse writing contest here on the platform. Each week for the next four weeks, judges from Mythic North Press LLC will be evaluating all stories written in the Chronicles of Nethra universe and selecting one $150 prize winner. If you are fan of science fantasy, space opera, or cyberpunk genres, then this contest is for you.

How it works:

· Download and read the Nethraverse Codex to familiarize yourself with the setting.

· Craft your short story (or chapter of a longer form work) and post to the t/TwiggTales territory during the contest window.

· Only English language pieces will be considered for the contest.

· To make sure we don’t miss your post, drop a link down in the comments section of this prompt.

· All entries will be considered subjectively based on writing style, use of setting, and overall quality of the submission.

· Only original works created by the author will be considered for the contest. Text generated by AI are not considered to be original works. Use of AI for images and supporting material, however, is allowed.

· Winners of each contest period will be announced within 1 week of that contest window closing. Submissions from previous weeks will be considered in subsequent weeks, and sequential posts may be considered as a block. Post early and often to improve your chances!

· This contest will run concurrently with the Twigg Tales Writing contest, so make sure you join us on their Discord to see what other prizes you might be eligible for.

Contest periods:

· Week 1: May 21st to May 27th

· Week 2: May 28th to June 3rd

· Week 3: June 4th to June 10th

· Week 4: June 11th to June 17th

We’re looking forward to hearing your stories! Please feel free to ask any questions below or direct message me (@e.r.donaldson) on Discord.

Swift running,

- E. R. Donaldson