Since I came to Tianfu Tianyuan Restaurant, which is like a paradise, I have been with the Chow Chow for two and a half months. It has accompanied me through a period of life. I really want to record it as a souvenir for my future life. When I think back to every moment I spent with the little animals here, I am moved and have an inseparable feeling for them. Especially the Chow Chow, who lives in the same room with me, stays with me day and night, and has formed a deep relationship with me.

The Chow Chow was very obedient at first, not annoying in the house, and as quiet as a lady. Dignified, with long black and shiny hair draped over his shoulders like seaweed, his face is as majestic as a lion, which gives him an indifferent temperament, his long hair on his shoulders is as fierce as a lion, and his small eyes exude an arrogant, sacred and unstoppable look. The intrusive gaze will make people's hair stand on end when they meet for the first time.

Such a mighty black dog like a lion, but as gentle, quiet, and indifferent as a woman, with a tough, tolerant and mature beauty. There is a slightly brown lock of hair on the forehead, and two small ears hidden in the thick black hair. Among the soft and long hair, the presence of ears can only be felt when the dog is scanning and moving vigilantly. It should be said that it is a very unique pet dog.

I gradually felt close to it, and the owner arranged for me to live in the same room with it and we started our new life.

Every morning, when I get up, I talk to it. It shakes its black tail, curls it up, and sways on its waist. Its little eyes look at me from time to time, dancing underground to express kindness to me. In fact, it is to let me get up quickly so that I can put it outside to go to the toilet. Sometimes when I'm getting dressed. It stretched on the floor, moved its muscles and bones, and its movements were smooth and cute. It looked like a pampered lady who was lazy and elegant.

Recently, I feel that it is a little rebellious. The weather is getting warmer and every time I put it outside, it doesn't want to come back. Sometimes I write in the house and often forget about it. When it's very cold, it will squat in front of the door, waiting for me to let it in, or if it is elsewhere, as long as I shout, "Back, back, back..." it will come out quickly from a certain corner, It ran towards me happily, rolling up a snow wave on the winding path in the snow. It was as majestic as a lion. When it came back to the house with me, I saw its face covered with frost, crystal clear, with a cold breath, I felt very distressed and wiped away these cold marks, and told it how cold it is outside, don’t freeze. Sometimes I don’t worry about its traces, because it can’t live without me. I have such confidence.

Now things have changed, and I don’t know if it’s because of the weather, or if it’s because of a playful episode, or because he’s become familiar with me and doesn’t listen to me anymore. Even if I call it back, it doesn't work. Sometimes when I call it, it sits in the snow far away and just doesn't come back. It seems that he wants to come back but is reluctant to do so, because there is a big black dog playing with him in a cage in the middle of the yard.

Every day I am afraid that it will be lonely, so I will consciously let it out. I think animals, like people, also have moments of loneliness. Now it sometimes takes advantage of my kindness and causes me a lot of trouble. Sometimes I get angry and really want to teach it a lesson by violent means. When it saw me about to beat it, it pretended to be pitiful. When I saw its pitiful look, I felt soft-hearted and could only patiently tell it to be obedient, but it ignored my words in a silent manner and still went its own way. Only when When you have had enough fun outside, you will come back. It was getting dark outside just now, and it also played until sunset and came back, like a naughty child, and I was like a worried mother. I think it's hard to get along with people and even harder to get along with animals.

Because they are pets and naturally delicate, their owners give them meat to eat. Recently, because the owner did not bring meat, I can only feed them cornmeal cooked in vegetable soup. In order to make them eat well, I added salt, soy sauce, pork, MSG and other seasonings to the food. Even so, it teamed up with the big black dog and went on a hunger strike to show its dissatisfaction with the treatment. I simply refused to eat it. Suddenly one day, the Chow Chow vomited yellow water. I felt that something was serious and I was very afraid that a case like the death of a little yellow bird that refused to eat would happen again. I went to the county town, bought Jianweixiaoshi tablets and penicillin, and gave them to them. Their hunger strike really bothered me. I have to worry about these two "animals" during the Chinese New Year.

Although I am very angry, I also love them very much. Chow Chows are inseparable from me every day and have become my closest companions in the past two months. When I go to the kitchen, he goes to the kitchen, when I go to the toilet, he follows me to the toilet. When I go to deliver food to the big black dog, he also cheers for me. One after another on the winding path in the snow, under the blue sky and in the bright sunshine, a unique landscape painting is formed. After delivering the food, he would sometimes stay by himself, eat with the big black dog, play for a while and then come back. I would ignore him and go do my own thing.

When I went to buy medicine, the store owner was a man in his 50s. When I explained the situation to him, I didn't expect that he was also someone with experience in raising pets. He said that animals will miss their owners after changing their owners, and sometimes they will not like to eat or even go on a hunger strike. Dogs, in particular, are very loyal to their owners, and the same goes for birds. He asked me to get along with them slowly and let time dilute their anxious mood. This reminds me of the parrot, which for a period of time refused to eat, and resorted to self-mutilation in the cage to fight against me. It scratched its claws with its sharp beak until it bled. I felt very panicked, so I called the owner. The owner said that there was no need to be afraid. He was just playing with it. I thought that even if he played with it, he would not harm himself. This way of playing was a bit too cruel. I don't think it's a play, but a kind of anger, a kind of longing, a kind of helplessness and hesitation.

Sometimes I feel that animals also have emotions. They also have their own joys and sorrows, and their own feelings of longing. They also know who is good to them and who they are good to, and they also understand the concept of repaying kindness. Especially if the dog's owner is attacked, the dog will risk its life to protect the owner. Its loyalty is unquestionable and good in the narrow sense of character.

I don't know how long I will stay here, but I am already reluctant to let go of them, and this separation will be the inevitable result. I don’t know if one day I really leave, the Chow Chow, the big black dog, the little yellow bird, and the parrot will miss me. Will you miss me in the same self-harming way? Maybe I will wave goodbye to them in a silent way, and I will use a hug to express my emotional expression to the Chow Chow, which we have been getting along with day and night for a period of time. The beautiful little yellow bird, with its singing and dancing laughter every morning, may often echo in my ears. What a delightfully idyllic life it is.

I don’t know how long the life of a computer, a person, two dogs, and a few birds will last. I really want to spend the rest of my life with them. This lifestyle of being close to nature and getting along with animals is such a warm and romantic life journey.

There are no official intrigues here, no conflicts of interests in the business world, and no family disputes to worry about. There is only tranquility, indifference, and the beauty of pure nature.

Here I write quietly, being infected by the nature and animals around me, the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, and the thick rolling mountains in the distance. Infected by the endless snow scenery outside, the dense primeval forest in the distance, and the natural life here. From this, he wrote some memorable words such as "I am very happy here", "A Person's Life", "Two Animal Death Cases" and "When They Are Well, I Will Be Sunny".

Many years later, when I read these words, I will miss them very much, I will miss the plants and trees here very much, and I will want to live a beautiful life with them. Until then, I don’t know what their fate will be or whether they are still alive. When I think of this, before we are separated, I feel a hidden pain in my heart. I am really afraid that one day such a moment will come.

I wiped away the tears that had flowed down unknowingly. I didn’t know whether they were sad or reluctant. Men don’t shed tears easily, but they are not sad yet. No matter what, even this separation must be faced calmly. I think that in the years when I leave them, I will also sincerely wish them well. If they are well, I will have a sunny day!