Creative Writing prompted by the word game Wordle


Wordle dt. May 4 2024

My Wordle solution dt May 4 2024


Selfless light benders,

vaporised by act.

Reborn to bend and burn again.



Wordle dt. May 5 2024

My Wordle solution dt. May 5 2024

The Holy One

Once upon a time, Death ambled by a sermon by the Holy One. “Give and you shall be given”, preached the Holy One.

Give? Death had never given. So Death listened in intently … and Death listened some more … day after day …

… more, and some more …

The golden heart, the golden words were entrancing, so divine that Death must fall in love with the Holy One, terribly besotted!

How Death cried!

Death pained!

Death could own the Holy One for itself, all for itself …



Wordle dt. May 6 2024

My Wordle solution dt. May 6 2024

The Glove

My gloves fit me no more.


Apple green knit,

a buckle, a heart in pink.

I loved their snug. So much.


They fit me no more.

Time’s gone by in a blink.


My gloves fit me no more.


Playground memories

of innocent winters

toasting ‘mallows …

Now one of them’s lost its pointer finger

and the cold filters

through moth-eaten rememberings.


My gloves fit me no more.


They are stained with many a delightful play,

and sweaty with Gramma’s doting embrace.

They smell of surrender to a protected freedom

of a childhood

that will never return.


My gloves, they fit me no more.


Mamma, my memories fit me no more.



Hey there! Often, I half close my eyes to “see” shapes or patterns or stories in routine objects. I bag it as “day-dreaming” but psychologists have a mighty word for it - “pareidolia”. I am using my solutions to the daily Wordle game to tempt me to see patterns in them and use them as prompts to write anything instinctively, without judgement - could be just a line too! I also see this as a discipline to hone my writing skills and create intuitively. Would you like to join me? Do share your own Wordle prompted writes with me, I’d love to read!

Such fun to “day-dream” the write together!

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