I am an advertising creative director and my girlfriend is now a fashion designer.

first acquaintance

We met in the art museum. She and I are both very serious people, so during the exhibition, we accidentally bumped into each other...

When I turned to look at her, I was instantly attracted by her appearance and temperament.

When the exhibition was about to end, I walked up to her and said: Can I add you on WeChat? She took out her phone with a smile and opened the QR code...

After leaving the art museum, we chatted through WeChat about many topics of mutual interest.

On the topic of art, we have different opinions, but when we talk about "Surrealism" and "Salvador Dali", our ideas are exactly the same. It turns out that like me, she is a big fan of Dali.

From that moment, I knew that "surrealism" would be the first link between me and her.


One weekend, I was practicing my racing driving skills on a racing simulator at home. Suddenly my phone rang. It turned out to be Wenwen calling me and asking me what I was doing. I said: I am speeding. She said: What flying... When I told her clearly what I was doing. She said: Can you take me flying too? I said: No problem!

In order to give her a better racing experience, I took her to a go-kart club.

Since Wenwen is a novice, I patiently taught her how to control this little monster (kart) step by step. Wenwen gradually found her feelings from the rampage. In the process, she kept screaming. It was so cute, hahahaha.

Later, I often brought her here, and her skills became better and better. She said: You gave me another hobby!


After experiencing the racing, we went to the cinema to watch a love movie. When the movie showed the male and female protagonists kissing, I couldn't help but kiss Wenwen. Wenwen's face turned red instantly. Because of this kiss, we upgraded from ordinary friends. For boyfriend and girlfriend.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, we had dinner in a restaurant. We ordered salad, steak and red wine. She asked me which movie was my favorite. I said: "Forrest Gump", what about you? Her answer was "The Shawshank Redemption."

Although our favorite movies are different, coincidentally, both movies are from 1994!

After dinner, we took a leisurely walk in the park. The moonlight was beautiful. Taking advantage of such a romantic atmosphere, I sang a song to Wenwen. Wenwen said: Why do you sing so beautifully! You sing another song and I'll record it...

live together

Later, we moved in together, and I sang to her every day. As long as she listened to my singing, she stopped watching TV and playing with her mobile phone. She looked at me with adoring eyes and listened to my singing with her heart. I felt extremely happy.

Our life is simple and beautiful!

Go to bed early and get up early every day, insist on running in the morning, and after finishing the run, continue to go home and exercise with dumbbells.

We don't eat snacks, we only eat green and healthy food.

When the mood strikes, we cook at home. I cook, and Wenwen helps me. Don’t tell me, Wenwen’s knife skills are really not good! If we don’t feel like cooking, we’ll eat at our favorite restaurant.

I usually like to read some information related to creativity and go to some creative places. Wenwen and I have lived together for a long time, and we have gradually fallen in love with these, so I often take her to visit some creative parks.

Creativity is reasonable and unexpected, and it always brings us a lot of surprises.


Our story is composed of these pivots one after another.

A beautiful love needs to be managed with care, and the time spent together every day is regarded as the most precious wealth in life!