Creative Writing prompted by Wordle dt. May 2 2024

My Wordle solution dt May 2 2024

I love you anyways.


Scorn at my loveless skin,

I love you anyways.

Yes, bleeding thorns it is,


impervious to your rejection.


I love you anyways.


When you kiss that rosy blossom yonder,

I love you anyways.

O those blush petals could never flutter

(your heart),

if my abomination

did not create their pretty faces.


I love you anyways.


Here’s the thing …


I need to burn.

I’d die were it not for your scalding scorn.

Pain strips me.

Yes, I bleed those merciless thorns.


Cruel needles, they taunt me.

“Bloom!” They nag me

relentlessly …


I did,


into an awkward splotch of yellow.

Aah! How fragile is this liberation

that I should quiver and fold

in even the softest waft!

Save me!


Why are you walking towards me?

Why do you kneel on the dirt before me,


caressing my weakness with your cheek?




I can’t help it … I love you anyways.



Hey there! Often, I half close my eyes to “see” shapes or patterns or stories in routine objects. I bag it as “day-dreaming” but psychologists have a mighty word for it - “pareidolia”. I am using my solutions to the daily Wordle game to tempt me to see patterns in them, and use them as prompts to write anything instinctively, without judgement - could be just a line too! I also see this as a discipline to hone my writing skills and create intuitively. Would you like to join me? Do share your own Wordle prompted writes with me, I'd love to read!

Such fun to “day-dream” the write together!

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