Many people are in relationships where they feel wronged because they don't understand who is the recipient and who is the giver. The key is that it's not just about liking someone and being happy when you're with them.

1. When someone likes another person, they are very happy to be with them, and they want to do things for them. Just like when we like a beautiful flower and are happy when it blooms, we want to do things for it. Because we like someone, we want to do things for them, just like when we like a beautiful flower and are happy when it blooms, we want to do things for it.

2. Parent-child relationships are the most common relationship where there is confusion and kidnapping. It's easier for both parties to be the recipient and the giver in a parent-child relationship. When a newborn appears in the family, from the cute baby to the babbling, from rolling over to sitting up to crawling to walking, every step, even every smile of the child, can make everyone in the family very happy.

3. Parent-child relationships are the most common relationship where there is confusion and kidnapping. It's easier for both parties to be the recipient and the giver in a parent-child relationship. When a newborn appears in the family, from the cute baby to the babbling, from rolling over to sitting up to crawling to walking, every step, even every smile of the child, can make everyone in the family very happy.

At this time, all the adults in the family are the recipients. The whole family gains a lot of spiritual happiness from this child, from the moment the child is born to the moment the child grows up, loses teeth, goes to primary school, grows to 1.3 meters tall, learns to ride a bike, skateboard very well, and so on. As parents and nurturers, we have a strong sense of satisfaction and happiness.

At this time, who should be grateful to whom? Of course, it's the parents who should be grateful to the child! Thank the child for giving parents vitality, countless happiness and hugs, and feeling the child's unconditional love for parents.

Even if I don't wash my hair for three days, my daughter will seriously say, "Mom is really beautiful!" With just this sentence, don't you give her a large amount of pocket money to show your gratitude to her? If I give her pocket money, can I kidnap her and force her to listen to me?

Unless I'm crazy and want to destroy this relationship, from the moment my daughter was born until now, she has given me a decade of tremendous happiness and joy. I am the recipient.

Many parents, who clearly lose their sense of existence when they leave their children, clearly gain a lot of energy from their children, but they don't want to admit it and have to use the term "payers" to kidnap their children to accompany themselves. This can only push the children farther and farther away.

Finally, to summarize, we can analyze whether we are recipients in various relationships. If we are recipients in every relationship, it's really too happy, and this is the true happiness index, which is worth being grateful for