The term "generative AI" has become emblematic of 2023, and it would be no exaggeration to say that NVIDIA now wields more global influence than even Tesla did in its heyday.

However, this generative AI has exposed naively flawed weaknesses that make people want to dismiss it as foolish. It has challenged people's conventional understanding of money and work, exposing issues that highlight a "disconnect" in our perceptions.

The Enigmatic Anti-AI Group

While NVIDIA is certainly a mysterious semiconductor company, the anti-AI or anti-artificial intelligence group is equally enigmatic. Their subject matter is too broad, their identities are unclear, and their arguments often seem overly casual, leaving one unsure of where to begin in addressing their claims.

In many contexts, the term "anti-AI" frequently refers to opposition towards AI-generated illustrations and images. The heated debates surrounding this topic often stem from a sense of desperation, as if their core values are being threatened. Ultimately, their central and consistent argument is that AI is stealing jobs and learning in a shameless manner, disregarding the boundaries of intellectual property.

Should We Abandon the Term "AI"?

I maintain a neutral stance on AI, but I believe the probability of AI being socially excluded in the future is below 50%. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if we soon become accustomed to seeing it used in unfamiliar contexts.

AI is an acronym for artificial intelligence, and for decades, the terms "artificial intelligence" and "AI" were the only two words used to refer to this technology. Perhaps this is why, rather than seeking to understand the specific mechanisms behind AI, the general public tends to perceive it as something akin to science fiction, based solely on the term's connotation.