Time passes quickly, and before we know it, March has become April. Despite starting a new business venture, it has been struggling, leading me to wonder if I should shift focus to something else entirely. Reflecting on these failures, it might be better to explore alternative paths.

Problems can only be solved through action. While there may be instances where inaction is preferable, ultimately, taking action will yield better outcomes in most cases. In other words, taking action is almost always beneficial.

If taking action is inherently positive, one might assume everyone would be constantly engaged in various activities. However, most people either have jobs or are actively seeking employment. Even in situations where finding work is challenging, it's rare for individuals to remain entirely inactive.

Is mindless action meaningless?

While taking action does not necessarily guarantee satisfaction, a lack of fulfillment can arise when past actions prove problematic. Initially, acting without much thought may be acceptable, but when undertaking a new pursuit, it's crucial to recognize that circumstances are constantly changing.

The concept of habit formation might be better understood as increasing the time spent being mindful. Merely repeating mundane actions daily holds little value; instead, it's advisable to introduce new triggers at regular intervals.

Is long-term commitment better?

Engaging in hobbies like blogging or live streaming does not necessitate continuous commitment. If you lose interest, it's perfectly acceptable to stop without regret. If the activity proves fruitful, then persisting holds value; otherwise, discontinuing is recommended.

If your daily walk becomes a chore, yet you persist out of a sense of obligation, this would be a prime example of when quitting is advisable. The merits of long-term commitment vary case by case and should not be universally assumed as positive. Consistency is powerful, but not an absolute necessity.

Recognizing the right time to pause

When immersed in a pursuit, you are likely the best judge of when to accelerate or apply the brakes. During periods of daily blogging, you are accelerating, and when expanding into new endeavors, you are in a bull state. However, at such times, it may be more important to pause and reflect.

Consider your current situation: What is truly important? How might things unfold if you continue on this path? How will your state evolve? Taking a moment to pause and assess while you can still predict the outcomes allows you to maintain clarity even amidst turbulence.

In side hustles or business, judgment often proves more crucial than ability. Shifting your actions at appropriate junctures is more important than tackling overly complex tasks.

Satisfaction can only be felt when reflecting on the past

While maintaining balance contributes to achieving satisfaction, true fulfillment can only be experienced when looking back on the past. When considering the future, there are inevitably uncertainties and apprehensions, and feeling satisfied does not guarantee positive outcomes. Of course, feeling satisfied is preferable to lacking fulfillment, but sustaining a constant state of 100% satisfaction while progressing is an immense challenge.

While striving for fulfillment is important, becoming overly fixated on it risks overlooking new discoveries. As such, it may be necessary to intentionally lower your sense of satisfaction at times.