In 1933, British writer James Hilton accidentally stumbled into Hunza while lost on a journey. Two clear waters meandered through a calm valley, with simple yet leisurely lines resembling those of a child.

Hansa, like a fairyland on earth, made Hilton deeply obsessed, affectionately calling it "Shangri La" and writing the world-renowned "Lost Horizon". Robert McCarthy, a British doctor who led a team to inspect Hansa, referred to the Hansa people as "the people who do not fall ill.".

In 1999, the famous founder of natural health, Mr. Keiichi Moriya, conducted a physical examination of 129 centenarians in Hansa and found that their concentration of lipofuscin was very low, which made their organs very young, equivalent to middle-aged people around 50 years old in the city. Here, at the age of sixty or seventy, one is not even called an old man. Even after the age of one hundred, one still has agile skills and can climb mountains and mountains like walking on a flat ground.

The average life expectancy of the Hansa people is 120 years

Hunza is a place located in the northwest corner of Pakistan, bordering Pamir and surrounded by the Himalayas. Located in a mountainous area at an altitude of 2438 meters, surrounded by towering mountains, it is 161 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide, with a population of nearly 60000 people. Over the past two thousand years, they have been almost completely isolated from the outside world and have now become a part of northwest Pakistan.

The average life expectancy of Pakistani people is 67 years, and even in Hunza, being 100 years old won't make you an old person, and it's surprisingly strong. The phrase "you are what you eat" is absolutely true, and it is also the secret to their longevity. They don't live to eat, but to eat to live.

Hansa people have two meals a day, a rich breakfast and dinner after sunset. In addition, they only eat natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, etc., without any chemicals or additives. It is common for people here to have children at the age of 60. We may be surprised, but this is precisely due to their diet and lifestyle habits. No one has been diagnosed with cancer for 900 years

The scenery here is picturesque, tranquil and poetic. Everyone lives a farming life of "working at sunrise and resting at sunset", self-sufficient, independent from the world, and interacting with each other. They are considered the healthiest ethnic group in the world, and it is said that among their people, no one has been diagnosed with cancer for 900 years.

The locals hardly ever get sick, and at the age of sixty or seventy, they are not even called elderly people. They are still working in the fields at the age of eighty or ninety. The average life expectancy of the Hansa people is over 100 years old, and they rarely get sick. There are almost no common chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and abnormal blood pressure among modern people in the tribe. In addition, they are even much younger in appearance and physical fitness than their actual age: an old lady in her nineties looks only in her forties or fifties. They are considered the healthiest ethnic group in the world.

The diet is mainly vegetarian

Researchers have stated that the reason why the Hunza people live long is mainly due to their diet dominated by natural fruits and vegetables. The Hansa people hardly consume animal based foods, and meat and dairy only account for 1.5% of all calories. Usually, they rely on natural vegetables and fruits as their staple food due to the lack of combustion in the environment

So vegetables are mostly raw, and if they can switch to cooked food, it will be more beneficial to their physical health. Some toxins will decompose at high temperatures, and cooked food will make them live longer.

In addition to natural vegetables and fruits, they usually drink water melted from glaciers, which is also a good companion for the Hunza people to cultivate vegetables and fruits. The Hansa people do not use chemical pesticides or fertilizers to grow vegetables and fruits, but instead use vegetable shavings, fallen leaves, and other materials as compost, which is pollution-free and nutritious.

Every year, for 2 to 4 months, the Hunza people will temporarily put aside their other work and devote themselves wholeheartedly to making apricot juice. This is an ancient tradition that they still follow, starting when apricots are not yet ripe. Apricots have high nutritional value.

Living in the present, smiling at others

These eight words are invaluable for modern urbanites. But in the world of the Hunza people, negative emotions such as tension, pressure, and conflict are rare. There is no self doubt and almost no related mental illness. Their world is like a child, living in the present and smiling at others.

The Hunza people are not lazy at all, they are very hardworking. Work hard from dawn to sunset. They prefer walking and exercising more than traveling long distances and watching movies.

With a vegetable based diet, natural and pollution-free ingredients, and an undisturbed natural living environment, coupled with the contented and happy personality of the Hunza people, it is no wonder they are hailed as the "healthiest nation in the world"! And their dietary habits have become the best example of a vegetable lifestyle, once again proving that eating more vegetables is healthier.