Another Florida trip to visit a grandmother I had virtually no relationship with. I requested to go bra shopping. No idea why. I didn't need one. At one point my mom crammed into my tiny dressing room uninvited, adjusting me from behind. It was the first time I reached second base. My grandmother not so quietly observing the proceedings from her corner, almost getting elbowed in the face from the close proximity. My mom steps out for a moment...probably to harass the salesperson...or to escape her mother. While we were alone, I ask my grandmother who her favorite grandchild is out of us three. Looking me dead in the eye without a moment of hesitation, "You." I don't know why I asked because I didn't care about the answer. As an adult I don't know if she lied, and I still don't care.

(Image description: orange-yellow background, white circles for a basic four-generation family tree. Human-like simple figures as place holders in the circles. Image credit: Miro)