To become a useful person, consider the following aspects: 1. Learning and growth: Continuously learn new knowledge and skills, and improve your abilities and qualities. This can be achieved through reading, attending training, practical experience, etc. 2. Positive attitude: Maintain a positive attitude and do not give up easily when facing challenges and difficulties. Be passionate about your life and work and be able to stimulate your potential. 3. Respect others: Respect other people’s perspectives, cultures and backgrounds and build good interpersonal relationships. Learn to listen, understand and accommodate diverse voices to promote collaboration and communication. 4. Take responsibility: Have the courage to take responsibility and be responsible for your own actions. When faced with problems, be able to proactively find solutions instead of avoiding responsibilities. 5. Helpful: Caring about others and willing to help others. Help others solve problems and enhance your sense of value by sharing your knowledge and experience. 6. Continuous improvement: constantly reflect on your own behavior and seek improvement and improvement. Keep an open mind and accept suggestions and criticism from others to improve your own shortcomings. In short, becoming a useful person requires continuous learning and growth, maintaining a positive attitude, respecting others, taking responsibility, being helpful and making continuous progress. Through continuous efforts, you can play an active role in your field and community and contribute to others and society.