看着明天灿烂的朝阳,看着你醒来”Look at the bright sun tomorrow, watch you wake up. "最高层次的浪漫是对生命的全神贯注。The highest level of romance is the concentration of life.而我的无缝衔接就是一把接一把输掉。And my seamless connection is one by one losing.世界上无助千百种,只有沉默最痛苦There are hundreds of helpless people in the world, only silence is the most painful"爱若逆流而上"Love goes against the current直面爱与爱的较量Face to face the contest between love and love「我应该用什麽话让你看出来我很伤心」"I should tell you what I am sad about."

「被好好爱著时会不自觉地做回小孩」。"When you are loved, you will be a child unconsciously.".「好朋友不会在对方身上找优越感」。"Good friends don't find superiority in each other."."今天夕阳西下走在风中好温柔""It's so gentle to walk in the wind today in the sunset"「人都会散,我们也不例外」"People will be scattered, and we are no exception."那份试卷的分数是向上爬的。The score of that paper was climbing up.没留下任何痕迹,好像从来没有出现过No trace, it seems that it never appeared想念某人时他会感觉到吗Does he feel when he miss someone

秋香冬腊梅仍是天天有”Autumn fragrance and winter plum are still available every day ""鼓足勇气说再见,就会有新的开始""Summon up the courage to say goodbye, and there will be a new beginning""夏日凉风吹走了热切的忧虑"The summer breeze has taken away the anxious"你总不能因为杯子碎了就不喝水了吧?""You can't drink water because the cup is broken?""我要做个气质非凡的好女孩"I want to be a good girl with a great temperament一人独得“款不可倾溢”One person has the unique "money can not be spilled"