This should have been an animatic.

However, I'm better at word art than visual art, so I'll try here to get the idea and message across that I saw in my head.

Here goes.


An orange figure shaped like a person walks through a crowded hallway. All the figures of people around them are colored a neutral blue.

A different angle, possibly closer up. There is an orange butterfly flying next to the person’s shoulder.

A blue figure on one side of the crowd is on the ground, fallen. The orange one looks at them, worry conveyed in their posture.

They stretch out a hand, the butterfly flying to their fingertips, and help up the blue figure. A blue butterfly materializes where their hands meet.

They stand and face each other, now with two butterflies near them.


A classroom full of desks, at which are seated blue figures and one orange one in the middle.

A shot of the orange figure from behind. Their hands are resting on their desk holding their phone, though the phone itself isn’t visible.

Then their hands on the desk holding the phone. On the screen is a picture of a blue hand holding a gun.

The figure’s hand shakes (those little parallel lines that show movement)

They turn their head to the side and look out a window to their right. There is a flagpole visible out the window. The flag is at half-mast.

Back to the phone screen. It switches to a picture of a school.

It switches to a blue figure with their hands covering their mouth.

It switches back to the gun.

The orange butterfly lands on the screen and looks up at the figure with a pleading expression.

The person turns their head away.

The butterfly’s wings droop.


The orange figure walks through the hallways.

On their shoulder, the butterfly sits, dejected.


A montage of flagpoles. Flag up, up, up, up, half-mast, up, up, half-mast, up, up, up, up, half-mast. The poles are each at a slightly different location and the flags are at different amounts of waving.


The figure stands in front of the bottom half of the flagpole.

Zoom out. The figure and the whole flagpole are visible now, as well as an open area in the background. The flag is at half mast. It hangs straight down with no wind to ruffle it.


The orange figure walks through the hallways. The butterfly is nowhere to be seen.


A montage of the figure in school doing various ordinary things. There’s no butterfly, though their color is the same as it’s been.


The orange figure sits on a chair. Their color is dull and muted. There are blue figures vaguely milling around in the background.

A pink figure stands in front of them. Hovering next to them is a butterfly of the same color.

The person stands there for a moment before opening their arms in invitation.

The orange and pink figures embrace.

When they separate, Orange’s color is brighter. And next to them flies an orange butterfly.

Orange holds out their hand, and the butterfly alights on it.

They look at the butterfly and tilt their head to one side.


Orange stands in front of a blue figure whose color is more faded than the normal blue.

The orange figure hesitates for a moment.

They open their arms.

Blue steps into the hug.

The two part, and suddenly there is a blue butterfly floating near them.


A figure sits with their shoulders hunched.

Orange places a hand on their shoulder, with the orange butterfly hovering above their hand.

The figure looks up at the orange one, and suddenly there is a butterfly near their lap.


Orange hands a gift to a figure, the butterfly resting on it.

A butterfly appears near the second figure’s chest.


Orange sits down next to a figure. Their butterfly floats between the shoulders of the two.

Suddenly there are two butterflies there.


The flag is at half-mast again. The camera focuses on it, with only the sky visible in the background.

Then it pans down.

There is a crowd of blue people seen from above. The orange figure stands in the middle of it.

And floating among them are dozens and dozens of butterflies.


A black screen. The orange butterfly is in full view in the center. Above it in white letters is the title “Butterflies.”