NOTE: This is a continuation of PFP 1st Chapter part 1 so if you haven't read that, please read it before proceeding here.


"GOODMORNING CLASS! Today is going to be a busy day." Miss Takano, the adviser of Class 2-1 said in a lively manner. "I already discussed the agenda for today with your class representative. "Class Rep. Please take over and designate the information to the class." She said looking at the class representative.

Mika, the class representative stood up and took over the class.

Unlike the usual class representatives who are noisy and always gets pushed around by others, Mika is beautiful even on glasses and her long straight burgundy her matches her ebony colored eyes giving out a cool and authoritative aura. Everybody in class respects her not only because she is scary when she gets angry but also because she is one of the top and most popular students of the school.

"Thank you ma'am." She nodded at Miss Takano and with a smile, faced her classmates. "Hello everyone! Today's agenda is all about the preparation for the prom which will be held two days from now. Our class is assigned on the arrangements and decorations. I am looking forward to the full participation of everyone in class. We have to make this successful so, can I count on all of you regarding this matter?"

The whole class agreed to do what has to be done.

"As additional information about the prom, there will be a dance showdown where everyone will dance with a partner. The pair that stays on the dance floor the longest will be the winner. There would be a program later on intended for all the students to find their partners specially those who haven't decided on a partner yet. Do you have any questions?" Mika asked her classmates. Getting no response, she closed her notebook and smiled. "I think that would be all."

A steam of gossips rose from the class as the students talked among themselves about the prom. Yanako on the other hand is reading a book ignoring the chatter around her.

Ms. Takano then slammed the book on the teacher's table that caught everyone's attention. "Oh I almost forgot. I would like to introduce a new transfer student. Please welcome him." She said smiling.

The door adjacent to the board opened and someone stepped in. He took the chalk and wrote his name ZEICHIRO AKIYOSHI on the board. He then faced the class and everyone was awed while the ladies are struggling to keep themselves from squealing

"Hi. I'm sure I'm on the right room."

Yanako looked up and saw the transfer student's face. Judging from his looks, he is the typical school heartthrob. His face is so smooth that it's almost as if it was of a girl. His hair is noir with a steak of green highlight falling at the right side of his face. His eyes are deep blue with the streaks of green like the ocean. The sharpness of his eyes is very alluring and intimidating.

He looked around and when he saw Yanako, he stared at her.

"Okay, please take any vacant seat you prefer." Ms. Takano said. He strode gracefully pass Yanako with eyes not leaving her. This made Yanako uncomfortable but she kept her composure. He took a seat two seats behind Yanako and he still kept staring at her.

"Oh my God Yana! He's so cool!" Sara said blushing and day dreaming.

Yanako laughed at her best friend's reaction. "Yeah I get you." She said flatly and went back to reading her book.

"Okay! Now let's proceed to our discussion..." their adviser said and the class started their lessons.

When lunch break came, Yanako and Sara went to the canteen. They grab their lunch and sat on a corner chatting while eating.

"So," Sara started while munching on her dessert. "Who do you plan to go with on prom?"

"I'm not actually interested."

"Come on Yana. Don't tell me you're not attending?"

"I'm planning not to. Besides I think it would just bore me to death."

"Oh please attend! Please, please, please! Do it for me just this once. Please?"

Yanako tried not to laugh at Sara's helpless begging expression. Sighing out the laughter building inside her she spoke. “Okay. You win but just this once. So, who's your date?"

"I'm still searching." Sara said eating the last piece of her dessert.

The speaker suddenly aired out an announcement from the school's student government organization.

Attention students, classes will be suspended this afternoon. Everyone is required to proceed to the gymnasium for an activity related to the prom to be held three days from now. Everyone's cooperation is highly recommended. Thank you.

"Let's go! I think this activity is for finding the right partner. It would be nice if we arrive there first." Sara said pulling Yanako. They walked to the gym and when they arrived there, there are already a lot of students around. "I guess it's not only me who is excited about this." Sara said. "Let's look for a place to sit."

They both sat on the vacant bleachers at the front right near the stage. After a while, a teacher approached the microphone that was set on the center of the stage.

"Hello everyone! You might have a hint of what this is all about and I think what's on your minds right now are correct. We are about to begin the program of finding a perfect prom partner. The music will be played right after this and you are all free to roam around and strike a

conversation with anyone you like. So students, enjoy the whole afternoon. Music please!"

After the teacher's announcement, sweet mellow music echoed through the whole gymnasium as students did what they were told to do. Some of them are already talking with a chosen partner and some were still roaming around searching.

"Yana! I'll talk to you later. I'm going to hunt down a prince." Sara enthusiastically said. "Try to look for a partner too! Or you'll end up alone on prom night." She said and winked at Yanako before disappearing in a crowd of students.

Yanako just stood there not even bothering to look for a partner when suddenly she was accidentally knocked off by students playfully fighting with each other. She lost her balance and was about to fall when a pair of hands suddenly held her by the waist from behind and turned her swiftly that made her face its owner. Her eyes widened as she saw the person that helped her and her mouth hanged open when she realized how their faces are just inches away from each other as they stare on each other's eyes.

"Try to mind the things around you dummy." He said taking his hands off her and walked away.

She felt his hot breath on her face when he spoke. Still can't get over on what happened, Yanako's face turned red as she watched Zeichiro

walking away from her. She was rooted to the ground star stuck speechless. She placed a hand on her chest and felt her heart skipped a beat. She found it weird that she felt that way towards her new classmate. She just ignored the uneasiness she felt and sat by the bleachers watching the students around her.

The day ended nice and smooth. Everyone went out of the gym with smiles painted on their faces chatting with their desired partners except Yanako.

Sara patted Yanako from behind. "Yana! See you at the dorm later. I'm going out on a get to know each other date." She said and walked pass her with a cute blond whom she guessed as Sara's partner.

"Sure! Enjoy!" Yanako replied and watched Sara as she happily talked to her partner.