Next I will tell you a story that my friend told me, when I heard his story I was shocked and it left me thinking what our friends, family and/or acquaintances may be going through and not realize it, this is what he experienced:

"Hello, my name is H and today I will tell you a little about my past, a situation that has been with me for a long time. I had never talked about it, for fear of feeling vulnerable, but maybe I can help someone, maybe one of you has had a similar experience and when reading this story you feel identified and do not feel alone, as I have felt for a long time.

It all starts in 2018, that year I will always remember, it was the day when the days became dark and fast, from one moment to the next the days ended and another day began, I felt chills throughout the day, as if I were at night on a desolate street and the February wind ran through my entire body, I was clearly in a strong depression, without me knowing it, I felt that my life was not worth it, my friends left out of nowhere, as if the link that my friends and I had was easily discarded trash.

My lifelong friendships became little candles that go out in a couple of days. I was left alone with my family, but they were dealing with their own problems, so a deep loneliness began to invade my body, the days and weeks passed and that loneliness became a kind of dementia (I don't know if it's correct to name it that way). Naturally I began to feel that someone was following me and watching me in the streets, no matter where I went, I always felt a multitude of presences stalking me.

One night, everything changed, I was at home sad because of loneliness, smoking a cigarette at one in the morning, a lamp reflected my shadow, I felt cold, but I didn't care, the sadness that governed my body exploded and I began to cry like I had never done it before, regretting having cut ties with all my friends and forcing them to look for me.

After that scene that would move anyone who has experienced loneliness, I left the house and sat on the sidewalk. After a while, I turned to both sides of the street, and when I turned my head to my right, in the background On the street was a child of approximately four years old, his silhouette was blurry and a little transparent, he walked towards where I was and sat next to me to cry.

It was as if it were me, my childhood self, I thought I was imagining it, however, I heard her crying. I did not feel fear or amazement, on the contrary, I felt accompanied, it did not matter that he did not communicate with me, with the simple fact of being there he broke with that loneliness that had increased for days inside me.
A few minutes passed and another person arrived, I didn't give it any importance, since it was a busy street. That person was a woman with long hair that covered her face. She was saying something, but I didn't understand her. She approached, took the boy's hand and they left.

After no more than a minute, those silhouettes returned to me, I tried to see their faces, but I couldn't, even though they stayed in front of me, somehow they both kept me company, they tried to tell me something, but I didn't understand them.

After a few minutes I looked around, and a man of approximately 40 years old was watching me. I thought he was someone I knew, at that moment I didn't know the difference between what was “real”, what we can all physically see, and what we couldn't.

That man was wearing a black trench coat and an elegant hat covered his face. This scene was very interesting and curious, I was outside my house at one in the morning, the street was relatively dark, with flashes of light emanating from a few lit lamps, one of them flickering along with my thoughts.

I got up and tried to talk to him. The man began to walk towards me, his footsteps sounded as if he were walking on a street full of gravel. He approached and no matter how much I tried to see his face, it was impossible to see his face.

The man approached the woman and the child and the three of them stood in front of me, none of them had faces. Who were they? Was it me in different situations in my life? Was it a response to my loneliness?After a few seconds, I felt overwhelmed and a feeling of wanting to die came over me. I entered my house and when I wanted to close the door, those silhouettes were still there, the switch was next to me, I just had to stretch out my arm and press it, I thought I would finally be able to see who they were, but it wasn't like that, I turned it on the light and I saw them the same, without faces.

They pointed at me and started babbling very quickly, what I saw and heard began to distort, I closed my eyes, turned off the light, hoping that when I turned it on they would no longer be there, but that was not the case.I chose to run to my room and put a pillow on my face, I put on my headphones and fell asleep me.

When I woke up, they were no longer there, but from then on, I began to see silhouettes among the houses and streets where I walked. I began to isolate myself and not leave the house, I thought it was the best, but they kept coming every night to torment me. For years I kept looking at them and dreaming, but they were no longer so close to me, maybe they were just looking for someone to be with or maybe they wanted to tell me something, I'm not really sure. As time passed, everyone began to move away and I was left alone again."

What did you think? Who were those people? Do you think they will return? Have you had a similar experience? Thanks for reading my friend's story, he will be reading his comments.