(This short story is a translated work, the original version in Chinese is attached below.)

The train attendant stood on the platform, with dark tunnels on both sides of her. A toneless broadcast echoed among platform, seemingly comes from nowhere.

See it. Say it. Sorted. It said.

She glanced at her watch and realized the underground was late again.

The underground moved through the tunnels like a worm, stomping with heavy, disordered steps. The carriage occasionally jolted, like an aging heart's abrupt beats. A row of yellow loops hung on the handrails, swaying, while rigid silver lights shone on the doors. The carriage was filled with a stale tobacco smell, mixed with the sweat of past passengers, leaving a nauseous feeling in the air.

A man lay sideways on the carrier's fabric seat. He bent his legs, keeping his shoes off the cushion. Besides him, there was only an elderly person. The latter seemed unable to clear his throat, frequently coughing and half-covering his mouth.

The train attendant turned to look at the tunnel. Two white eyeballs surveyed inside, hesitatingly approaching the light from the platform.

Before the train arrived, a man in a black police uniform approached her from behind.

"You have something to do today," the officer said to her, "this is the last train."

"I know, but..." she said, "there may be no one inside, or too many inside. Perhaps, we won't find anything."

"You know it's an excuse," the officer and the train attendant continued their conversation on the platform, "we are responsible for the whole city. If there's no underground tomorrow, countless people can't do their jobs, we'll lose shops, banks, the entire city's economy."

"Why not just tell everyone?" the woman retorted, "None of us would take the underground!"

"Do you think no one knows?" the officer sighed.

"I rely on the underground to survive, and so do you."

Suddenly, people in the carriage heard a mournful groan. The sound seemed endless, reminding them of infant's cries, the moans of the dying, or the sounds of air passing through diseased, aged lungs. But they knew it was just the friction between the carriage and the tracks. They struggled to believe it was just the friction between the carriage and the tracks.

The man on the cushion covered himself with his coat and curled up. The old man seemed to want to talk to him but ended up coughing.

The groaning in the carriage turned into a piercing screech, and the two rows of yellow loops leaned to one side. Everyone felt the immense force of the brakes. The old man grabbed the nearby handrail, trying to stand up.

A glaring white light came from the tunnel. A gray train crawled out of the tunnel mouth and stopped at the platform, then neatly opened its doors.

The train attendant and the officer exchanged a glance. The train attendant finally compromised.

"If we really find someone this time, I'll give it a try," she said.

Then, the two entered the carriage one after another.

See it. Say it. Sorted.

The broadcast echoed on the platform.

The train attendant and the officer walked silently through each carriage. It wasn't until the beam of one person's flashlight caught sight of something deep gray.

The man remained on the cushion inside the carriage. He wrapped himself in a coat, resembling a mole's body wrapped in cloth by children.

At the moment she recognized it was a person, the train attendant felt a bitter regret. She smelled the decay inside the carriage and nudged the homeless man.

"The underground has arrived," she said again, "you can't stay here."

"I don't have a bed tonight," the man said, "let me lie here for five more minutes. May God have mercy."

None of them spoke. She hoped he was at least a loitering couple or an oversleeping student, someone with countless reasons to be escorted out. But his eyes were tired and vacant, like the tunnel's dim lights.

"You have to get up," the train attendant was shaken by the man's gray eyes, "I know a place, maybe not luxurious, but it can give you some rest."

"Thank you," the man said loudly, "thank you, miss."

She glanced back at the officer, who didn't say anything. But she knew she had met his requirements, deepening her guilt. Together, they helped the homeless man up from the carriage and walked towards the stairs of the platform.

Only the toneless voice of the woman echoed on the platform.

The train attendant watched steam rise from the kettle, feeling a bit of warmth in the room. She took out a few teacups and found some biscuits in the cupboard, placing them on a plate. Carrying these, she returned to the homeless man and the officer.

"Have some tea," the train attendant said. She looked at the homeless man before her, noticing wrinkles around his eyes and neck. He had no luggage, dressed in slightly worn-out windbreaker and jeans. His hair and eyes were the same messy shade of gray.

"Thank you, miss," the homeless man took the tea, glanced at it, but didn't drink it. Instead, he looked at the officer across from him. "What was that job opportunity you mentioned earlier?"

"You told him?" the train attendant turned to the officer, "You know it’s……"

"No need to persuade me, miss," the homeless man replied, "I asked him myself."

The train attendant fell silent. She didn't say anything. She even felt somewhat relieved that she wasn't the first to speak. She realized for the first time that a cup of tea could be so bitter, as if it were a quagmire held within a teacup.

"Do you have family?" the train attendant couldn't help asking.

"Maybe," the man replied, "I haven't seen them in a long time. They probably wouldn't remember me either."

"What about friends? Surely there are people you can contact at times like these?" the train attendant pursued.

The man shook his head, "I lost touch of them after I went to prison."

She knew this person in front of her was suitable. In fact, this person was the perfect candidate they had been waiting for for weeks. She felt horrified by this fit.

"You perfectly meet our requirements," the officer also said, "We can now offer you an opportunity to join the railway system without barriers. The work you'll be doing is similar to that of a driver of some new sort."

The eyes of the homeless man lit up. The train attendant didn't want to see this change.

She looked at the rough, balled-up hands of the man. Could he never use these hands again? Could he never look at the sun again? Could he work tirelessly from seven in the morning until eleven at night? She thought of the present underground, the pounding heartbeat, and the vast metabolism consisting of the crowds.

"That's not it, we're not looking for people like us," she interjected,

"We want people who would become a real part of the undergrounds."



See it. Say it. Sorted. 它说。



















See it. Say it. Sorted.

























