The big villain, that big evil boss, pointed out as one of the major culprits for the increase in violence among young people worldwide: the video game, now begins to appear in the role of the hero, or as we say in the gamer community, in the role of "champion"!

For many years, video games carried a negative stigma. Critics and parts of society claimed that they incited violence, alienated young people, and were a waste of time. However, perceptions are changing. More than just a form of entertainment, electronic games are being recognized for their benefits to mental health.

Recently, an article published by Forbes revealed that a large portion of Brazilian gamers already associates playing video games with mental health. The change in perspective is the result of a series of research and evidence that has accumulated over the years.

A study by the University of Oxford, for example, found a positive correlation between the time spent playing video games and people's well-being. Study participants who played more frequently reported greater satisfaction with their lives and lower levels of negativity.

But why are they now saying that video games are beneficial for mental health?

Socialization: In times of social isolation, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, online games have become one of the main tools for maintaining social interaction. Games like 'Fortnite' and 'Among Us' brought together friends and families, allowing them to connect and interact in virtual environments.

Development of cognitive skills: Various games require players to use skills such as problem-solving, strategic planning, and decision-making. A study by the University of Geneva found that action game players, in particular, showed improvements in visual and spatial skills.

Stress management: Playing video games can be an effective way to relax and disconnect from daily concerns. Games that allow the exploration of virtual worlds, such as 'The Legend of Zelda' or 'Minecraft,' have been particularly beneficial for reducing anxiety and stress.

Promotion of empathy: Narrative games that allow players to take on roles of different characters in varied scenarios can help develop empathy. Titles like 'Life is Strange' or 'The Last of Us' offer rich stories that challenge players to put themselves in the characters' shoes and understand their emotions and motivations.

Looking into various gaming communities, it can become clear how certain games can positively impact mental health. The participation in online gaming can provide individuals with a supportive network of friends who share similar interests, thereby fostering a sense of belonging and emotional support during challenging times. Moreover, multiplayer games often require teamwork and communication skills, such as those found in 'World of Warcraft' and 'Overwatch,' which players can develop and apply in their personal and professional lives. These examples highlight how gaming communities and specific game mechanics can contribute to improved mental well-being.

At this point, working so closely with gamers for the last 2 years, it’s hard to ignore the impact that games have in people’s lives.

For a cause, with a purpose

From a business perspective, this supports an important front for companies whose target audience is young people and who intend to expand their presence in this market.

It is essential for companies in various sectors to understand that video games can be allies of people's mental health. In an era where employee mental health has become a central concern in the workplace, recognizing the therapeutic and beneficial potential of electronic games can open doors to new corporate well-being strategies. Additionally, by understanding this positive connection, companies can leverage partnerships, marketing campaigns, and engagement initiatives that not only resonate with a wide audience of gaming enthusiasts but also demonstrate the organization's commitment to the holistic well-being of its stakeholders. In short, this perception not only helps break stigmas but also explores new business opportunities and improves the organizational environment.

Weakening stigmas and new opportunities

The stigma surrounding video games is slowly dissipating. As more research is conducted and the benefits of electronic games to mental health become more evident, we hope that society will come to value even more this form of entertainment and recognition of its therapeutic potential. The language of video games is undoubtedly a powerful communication bridge with many young people in the contemporary world. In a digitized era, where digital natives express themselves and understand the world through technological interfaces, games become a unique channel of dialogue. They are not just a form of entertainment but a language in itself, resonating with the emotions, challenges, and aspirations of the younger generation. This channel offers a unique opportunity to address mental health issues, providing an environment where young people can feel understood, challenged, and supported. By recognizing and harnessing the potential of video games as tools for well-being, we can pave innovative paths for promoting mental health, connecting with young people in meaningful and effective ways, and making use of a language that is intrinsic and familiar to them.

Looking ahead, the convergence of gaming and mental health is poised to undergo transformative advancements. With the rapid evolution of technology, particularly in areas like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), the potential for immersive gaming experiences tailored to mental health needs is immense. Imagine a future where individuals can enter virtual worlds specifically designed to alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, or PTSD through interactive storytelling, guided meditation, and therapeutic gameplay mechanics. Furthermore, emerging innovations in biofeedback devices offer promising avenues for personalized gaming experiences that adapt in real-time based on physiological signals, enhancing engagement and effectiveness. Alongside technological progress, societal attitudes toward mental health are also shifting, creating a fertile ground for continued exploration and acceptance of gaming as a legitimate tool for well-being. As gaming continues to break boundaries and push the limits of what's possible, we can anticipate a future where it not only entertains but also empowers individuals to proactively manage their mental health in innovative and meaningful ways.

Nevertheless, it is essential to maintain a balance. Like any activity, excessive gaming can lead to negative consequences. The ideal scenario is for video games to be incorporated into lifestyle in a healthy manner!