Once upon a time, there were three super powerful beings named Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwara. They were like the big bosses of everything. So, these three pals got together and thought of making something really awesome. They came up with a plan to create a universe by causing a huge crash. And you know what happened? When they did it, loads of universes popped into existence. We call it a Multiverse. Cool, right?

Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara

Brahma was the clever guy in the gang. He was the master planner, making sure everything was spot on in the universes he created. He thought about every tiny thing, like where the stars should be placed and how the planets should move around.


Then there was Shiva, also known as Maheshwara. He was an amazing dancer, and he used his fancy footwork to shape space and time. It was like he was doing a cosmic dance routine, swirling and twirling through the universe, making sure everything was in order.


And lastly, there was Vishnu. He was like the peacekeeper and chill guy of the group, making sure everything stayed nice and calm in the universes they created. He was always keeping an eye on everything, making sure nothing went wrong.


As time passed, the universe created by the 3 supreme lords went through different times called yugas. There were 4 yugas: Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga.

In the Satya Yuga, everything was awesome. People were happy, and life was easy-peasy, with no lies or cheating between them. But as time passed, Satya Yuga ended, and Treta Yuga began.

In Treta Yuga, the governance system is based on Dharma, with rulers sticking to righteous conduct and ensuring the welfare of their subjects. People in Treta Yuga are expected to uphold Dharma in their actions and relationships. After Treta Yuga ended, Dwapara Yuga started. In this era, all people were eager to achieve the scriptural dharma prescribed to each class. They were brave, courageous, and competitive by nature, engaging in penance and charity. They acted like kings and enjoyed seeking pleasure.

After the end of the Dwapara Yuga, the divine intellect fades away, so it's rare for anyone to be completely truthful. Because of this life of deceit, people suffer from diseases and different desires. After going through these hardships, people realize their wrongdoings and seek forgiveness through penance. Some also arrange yajnas (sacred fire rituals) for both material benefits and to connect with the divine.

Now we're in Kali Yuga. It's the fourth and current age in the cycle of yugas, or "ages." It marks the end of the four ages that make up a cycle and is often called the dark age. It's known for people being cruel and cruelty ruling the world. Kali Yuga leads to the destruction of the world and then the creation of a new cycle of the four yugas. In other words, Kali Yuga is the fourth, shortest, and worst of the four yugas in a Yuga Cycle, coming after Dwapara Yuga. It's believed to be the present age, filled with conflict and sin.

But no matter which yuga it was, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva were always there, watching over things and making sure everything went smoothly.

Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara

After the Kali Yuga ended and the great times of the Satya Yuga began, the whole world felt peaceful and happy. But there was one place that didn't feel this goodness: the cursed village of Paatal. It was like a dark, gloomy place filled with bad vibes. The land was dry and barren, with old curses remaining in the air like a bad smell, and the rivers were dry, making it hard for animals to survive due to the lack of food. The people in Paatal were always sad and scared, as if they were stuck in a never ending nightmare. They couldn't find any hope or happiness in that spooky place.


During this time, there were five adventurous friends: Togo, Tansi, Rocky, Nik, and Sinta, who were traveling together on a journey.

Togo was a really special guy. He had the super rare gift of knowing what was going to happen in the future. His eyes were like gold and amber, and they could see things that nobody else could see. But despite having this amazing ability, Togo stayed humble and kind. He used his foresight to help others find their way when they were lost. Even though he could see the future, he didn't try to change it, which made his help even more impactful.


Then there was Rocky, a bit of a troublemaker, but he had a heart of gold and body as hard as diamond. He was super strong and fast, zooming through life like a speeding bullet. He might get into a bit of mischief now and then, and mainly he forgot about his strength until someone realizes him u can do it, but whatever his strength always helped him bounce back from any trouble.


Nik is really good with weapons and gets angry easily. He was born with a special power to control situations, which means he can change things around him easily. His quick temper often causes big fights, but he's loyal and never gives up, making him a strong friend to have in a fight.


Sinta was born with the power to read minds, but you wouldn't know it by looking at her. She's always calm and collected. She can understand people really well, almost like she knows what they're thinking. But instead of using it for her advantage, she uses it to be kind and understanding. People feel peaceful around her, like she's a safe harbor in a storm. What makes her special isn't just her power, but also her honesty and caring nature.


And lastly, there was Tansi, a happy and brave girl. She had a special power to make everyone around her feel joyful. Her fun loving nature brought laughter and happiness to every situation. Tansi's courage and bright smile could make even the saddest times better. She spread happiness wherever she went, leaving a trail of smiles behind her.


One day, as the five friends journeyed together, they came across the village of Paatal. They were surprised to see lush greenery surrounding it, but the village itself was suffering from dry, barren land. Togo, with his gift of foresight, looked into the village's problems and saw the suffering of its people the dry land, the negativity, and the poor health of the villagers.

"We gotta help these folks," Togo said, his heart full of care.

"Yeah, " Tansi added, a playful glint in her eye. "Let's sprinkle some happiness and brighten things up!"

Rocky flexed his muscles. "I'm in! Ready to lend a hand, or two."

Nik nodded eagerly. "Absolutely, let's stick together and help out."

Sinta smiled warmly. "I'm with you all. Let's bring some positivity."

Togo then spoke up, "Let's head into the village. I've got a feeling something's up."

Five Friends

Together, they ventured into Paatal, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As they entered the village, they were met with a heartbreaking sight the villagers were struggling to survive in the dry, desolate landscape and rivers has become poisonous were cultivation of crops as become a dream for people and poor animals were dying due to hunger and thirsty. Their spirits were low, and their health was failing.


The five buddies witnessed the villagers' terrible situation and felt their hearts breaking because they thought all the evil was gone, and they couldn't figure out what caused these problems. But seeing the conditions, they decided they had to do something to lift the curse that had fallen upon Paatal. With determination in their hearts and hope shining in their eyes, they set out to bring light to the darkness that had taken over the village.

