LIke everyone wants development and in the name of progessiveness and modern world they actually going backwards to the caves just look at it what;s happening around the world , Now everyone's alter ego has been fulfilled so from wearing fancy clothes men or women everyone moved onto to different wild baseless ships in the name of modernization i mean why you all didn't even hesitated before even doing one thing.


Starting with

1. Influence of foreign media:

Nowadays the young generation is feeling the influence of foreign media more. Due to television, internet, social media and other mediums, youth have started liking foreign culture more. Its direct effect is that the importance of Hindi has reduced for them and they are not paying attention towards their language.

2. Changes in Education System:

Changes in the education system are also the reason for this. Foreign languages are being given more importance in the modern education system. This is also a reason why the young generation is giving less importance to Hindi.

3. Lack of language preservation:

Schemes and programs to preserve Hindi are also decreasing. The young generation is not getting correct information about the importance of Hindi, due to which they are losing enthusiasm towards their language.

4. Example Bridge:

There are many great examples of bridges with the help of which Hindi can be saved. The young generation should take inspiration from those people who give importance to Hindi and make it a part of their life.

5. Social Impact:

The ideals and dedication towards Hindi are also decreasing in the society. The younger generation is not realizing that it is their duty to respect their language.


Today's world has become a place where goodness and honesty have no importance anymore. It is seen in people's thinking and behavior that anything can be done, whether it is injustice or misbehavior. In this, we also have similar opportunities that we can leave the good and face evil. But despite this, we always need to remain good.

Health and Happiness by Staying Well:

When we help others and work for their well-being, our mind and body are filled with positive energy. It makes us healthier and helps us experience happiness.

1. Importance of being good in society:

By doing good and right actions we become good persons in the society. With this small effort of ours, people around us are also inspired and we get to see the face of goodness.

2. Exchange of Goodness:

Doing good is not only a source of self-satisfaction for us, but it also makes us a better person. When we help others, we also get a sense of acceptance and respect.

3. Building strength and confidence:

Doing good strengthens our strength and self-confidence. We realize that we can do whatever we want, and our positive actions make us more successful.

4 Provide examples:

When we remain good, we serve as an example bridge for others. Other people are inspired by our example and they also try to live through goodness.

No matter how much the world changes, we always need to remain good. This is not only for us, but also for the people around us.

It is also important for. By spreading the message of goodness we help in improving the society and are helpful in creating a positive environment.

To remain good we have to accept that there is evil in the world, but we also have the power to change it. We must remember that goodness and truth need every form of support, no matter how difficult the world may seem. Similarly, we should continue to walk on the path of goodness, as it will take us and our society in a positive direction.

Therefore, we should always remember that being appreciative of goodness will maintain our good spirit and lead us towards prosperity. Therefore, no matter how bad the world seems, we should always try to remain good.

Being opposite solves it?

Doing evil not only brings us into conflict with the people around us, but it can also bring many difficulties in our own lives. The consequences of evil are always negative and they can force us to suffer the consequences of our mistakes.

1. Conflict and Self-Dialogue:

A person who does evil always has to face struggle. They have to be responsible for their mistakes and this can force them to commune with their soul.

2. Betrayal:

Doing evil may lead to betrayal. When we realize that we have betrayed someone or broken their trust, it can cause cracks in our relationships.

3. Negative reactions:

By doing evil a person often receives negative reactions. This can have negative consequences in their character and make it difficult for them to accept themselves.

4. Despair and Apathy:

Doing evil can create feelings of despair and indifference in a person. its his mistake

Due to this, they may consider themselves unlucky and may find it difficult to look at their life positively.

5. Isolation in Society:

By doing evil a person may have to face isolation in the society. People start considering him different from others and relations with him may break.


Doing evil not only hurts others, but it also weakens the soul. There is also a feeling of sadness and dissatisfaction in the conscience of the person who does evil. Due to this, their character also becomes flawed and they realize their mistakes.

On the other hand, doing good makes us feel true and selfless love instead of selfishness and ego. It leads us to the highest human values and develops a sense of empathy and support with others.

By choosing the path of goodness our life becomes happy and successful. By doing good we get real satisfaction and happiness, which we can never get by doing evil. Therefore, we should always support good deeds and try to stay away from evil. It will help in making our life successful and happy.


Goodness has importance in society also. Values like goodness and honesty are important for a prosperous society. Doing evil creates imbalance and disagreement in the society, which can cause many problems. Doing good maintains a balanced and peaceful environment in the society and people remain in support and sympathy with each other.

By doing good we also feel better about ourselves. It helps us to develop an excellent and high level personality. Doing good frees us from selfishness and we experience empathy and love for others.

Thus, choosing the path of goodness takes our life in the direction of wholeness and positivity. It helps us accept ourselves and gives us vitality. Therefore, we should always choose the path of goodness and treat others appropriately.