Our campus placement drive is buzzing with companies, and I was pumped to land a Software Development Engineer (SDE) role. But let's be honest, I wasn't exactly putting in the effort. ‍♂️

This is my story of how I went from hoping to trying to tackle the challenges!

Almost There! But Code Block

I applied for a company named X and rocked the first two rounds - resume shortlist and an aptitude test (whew!). Now, I'm facing my biggest fear: a one-hour offline coding test with 2 problems.

The email mentioned needing "fully approved code," and I knew I had to scramble with the test tomorrow.

Crash Course to Code Confidence

Here's my crash plan to conquer those coding problems:

  • Practice Makes Progress: I'll smash 10 easy questions on HackerRank and LeetCode, both in Java (my familiar zone) and Python (gotta learn that too!).
  • Level Up with LeetCode List: A List of 75 questions from Leetcode (link: https://leetcode.com/list/rgcwe7dh ) will be my logic training ground.
  • Tonight's mission - Conquer all the practice problems and understand the logic part!
  • Plan to Slay: Tomorrow, I'll strategize for the test and be ready to code like a boss!

Stay tuned for an update on how I fare in the coding test! Will I land the SDE role? Wish me luck!

( 1 week later)

Following my coding test win (told you I could do it!), I'm now gearing up for the technical interview rounds. While the specifics remain a mystery (those sources are top secret!), I have a hunch they'll involve a deep dive into my programming fundamentals.

Don't be fooled by my non-CS background (the unread syllabus situation is all too real!), because I've got a plan. Here's what my interview prep boot camp looks like for the next three days:

  • Demystifying Efficiency: Time and space complexity – no more black boxes! Understanding how the code performs is key.
  • Data Structures & Algorithms Deep Dive: Queues, stacks, linked lists, binary trees, recursion, searching, and sorting (with a heavy dose of practice problems!).
  • Techie Knowledge Boost: Building a solid foundation in database management systems, computer networking, and OOP concepts. (Yes, I'm going for it all!)

Three days may seem ambitious, but I will be focusing more on grasping the core concepts before diving into practice problems. Wish me luck!

Feeling Inspired?

Conquering technical interviews, even with a non-CS background, is possible. In fact, with the right resources, anyone can build a strong foundation in programming fundamentals. Here's a quick question for all my non-CS friends out there:

Would you be interested in a series that breaks down core CS concepts in a simple and easy-to-understand way, specifically designed to help you prepare for tech interviews? Let me know in the comments below!

In a few weeks, I'll be sharing all about my experience with the technical interview rounds and the lessons I learned. Did I manage to snag the SDE role? You'll have to find out!

Stay tuned!

(Weeks Later)

Coding Bootcamp Pays Off: From Hoping to Hired!

Hey everyone! Remember my interview prep boot camp to land a Software Development Engineer (SDE) role? Well, buckle up for the interview adventure!

Interview Day: A Marathon of Coding and Chatting

Three intense interviews, all at the company's office, kept me on my toes. The first interview eased me in with basic coding and logic questions. The interviewer even made sure I felt comfortable, which was awesome for my first offline interview!

After a lunch break (including Subway, score!), the second interview was a technical doozy. Programming, logic, and even designing a social media app UI on the fly (thanks Figma for saving the day!). I admit, I fumbled a bit on some questions, but the interviewer seemed impressed overall. Phew!

While waiting for the next round, I met a cool person from another college and we even played some carroms to de-stress. We figured the company would contact finalists later for the third and final interview, but to our surprise, they called a select few right then! Guess who made the cut? This girl!

HR Round!

The HR interview was a confidence booster. We chatted for over an hour, and even though I was exhausted from the whole day (waking up early, interviews all day!), I aced it. By 10 pm, I was finally home, realizing interview marathons were no joke!

A Month of Waiting and...

Hope flickered as weeks passed. Then, one random day, right before my semester viva, the company called! I GOT THE JOB! An SDE role, a great package, a fantastic company - it felt unreal.

Four years of Electronics and Biomedical Engineering couldn't stop my passion for coding. That passion, a dash of luck, and amazing support from the people around me led to this victory. I'm starting at the company in a few weeks, and I'm ecstatic!

Don't be afraid to be different. You might feel lost sometimes, but trust the process. Hold onto your passions and dreams - good things come to those who hustle! Here's to new beginnings! Love to you all!