I nominate Eneko, my Rebel team buddy for the Best Friends Prize.

Eneko: https://app.t2.world/u/eneko

I only met Eneko 3 weeks ago, as a member of the W3 Rebels team participating in the t2 contest. I was also unfamiliar with his writing genre and style. For this contest, Eneko has shared his expertise on apps he uses to ‘get things done’ effortlessly. Software tech intimidates me. My brain puts on a safety guard before it begins to understand the app. I obviously wasn’t looking forward to read Eneko’s first submission. After reading it, I saved its link for I will be referring to it often! His writing voice is gentle, definitely experienced, not tutorial spiked with big words, and that has eased me a huge deal to look at apps as tools to uncomplicated things for myself. Thank you Eneko!

One of the best things about this contest is coming out of it with something that has brought some sort of shift in me. Eneko has done that for me. I also appreciate him as a team member: supportive and respectful of the Rebels.

I wish you the best, my friend. Look forward to your upcoming articles!