I'm nominating my friend Rionna Morgan (https://app.t2.world/article/cltsg1u316757851ymc3lic7qco) for the Best Friend prize. Since we met in a discord server several years ago, our lives have become more and more intertwined. She's joined me at Vagobond Magazine and climbed the ladder to become the Editor-in-Chief, she works tirelessly and always with positivity. She edits new writers, she represents established ones, she has helped me to refine work, and often comes up with innovative solutions. We sat together on a panel about the future of books at NFT-NYC which was the first time we met, we drank mojitos, we hung out with Edward Carpenter and the LIT family, we each read poetry on stage at an off broadway event. We together hosted The PageDAO show for it's short run and since then we've co-hosted VM: Good Morning and the Web3 Writer's Hour. We've spent hours talking on the phone about our families, our lives, and the work we are doing. She represents me through her Literary Agency and her publishing house Whitney Morgan Publishing is going to publish one of my books. We are both Core Team members of PageDAO and together manage the media branch of it. And the craziest part of it is that we never butt heads. All those entanglements, all those shared commitments. She shows up, she gets the job done, she listens, and she checks in when things get quiet. I realize there were some limitations set to this nomination, but honestly, Rionna is who I had to nominate anyway - my friend, my sister from another mister, my Web3 Writer's Union team mate. Rionna Morgan.