I remember taking the bus and Xocho's words kept turning over and over in my head, everything was so sudden, my refusal to go was turning into a desire to know what would happen if I went on the excursion.

Upon arriving home, nobody was there, I headed to the refrigerator and found a note that said:

I went out with your Aunt Plácida to a dance, I left a hundred pesos under the fruit bowl, buy something for dinner, love you.

I laughed and imagined my mother dancing cumbias and laughing with my aunt. Even in her old age, she is still so full of joy and energy.

I opened my notebook and the paper with Xocho's number fell slowly, moving like the leaves of the trees. I added his number and sent him a WhatsApp message.

- Hi, I'm Amelia, we met at school with the mushroom emoji.

-Hey Amelia, I'm glad you messaged, I was just thinking about you, I left so quickly I don't remember if I said goodbye.

His response was quite quick, and we continued the conversation.

-Yes, you said goodbye, don't worry, and I also thought about it and I would like to go on the trip to Cuetzalan.

Great, I'll send you all the information, as for the payment, don't worry I'll cover it."

I immediately received a PDF containing the following:

"Get to know the mushrooms of Cuetzalan.”

Date: August 12

Meeting time and point: 9:00 am, CAPU bus station.

Cost: 600 (includes room in a hotel)

The guides are biologists who know the area and the diversity of mushrooms, dare to explore with us and learn about the biodiversity and characteristics of these organisms.

More information: [email protected]

I hadn't thought it would be so soon, I didn't know what to respond, because I hadn't even talked to my mom about this.

- Okay Amelia, I've got you down, see you tomorrow, bring a raincoat and boots.

I still didn't respond because now the commitment was made, what was going through my head? What will I do? What if I just don't show up? Before responding, I decided to call my mom.

Three beeps and suddenly she answered.

-What happened, honey? Speak up because I can't hear you. In the background, there was music so loud I wasn't sure if she would hear me.

-Hi mom, I haven’t started talking yet, I was wondering if I could go on an excursion tomorrow, it's just for the weekend and we're going with the school.

- What? Honey, if you can hear me, I won't be back until Sunday, your aunt wants to go buy some things in Mexico, so I'll deposit some money for you to cook something over the weekend. See you, I can't hear you, love you.

The noise was impressive, and I felt relieved, it was as if everything was falling into place to go with Xocho.

- Okay, take care, love you.

I shouted the last part so she could hear me, and I ended the call. I returned to the chat with Xocho and sent the confirmation.

- Good, thank you very much Xocho, see you tomorrow, rest well.

I searched for the most appropriate clothes to go to the countryside, some boots, a vest of my mom's that I liked because it had many pockets, I put in some glasses, toothbrush, hat, a lighter and a mini first aid kit and a compass. The truth is, I didn't know how to use it, but I thought it would be a good idea to take it.

I was so excited that I couldn't sleep, so I listened to a podcast to fall asleep, and when I woke up it was because of the sound of an alarm.

I got up so euphoric, I showered and went to catch the bus to CAPU.

When I arrived, a group of guys was huddled in the center of the terminal, all with camping gear, traveler's backpacks, and boots, but I didn't see Xocho. I approached slowly and discreetly because my outfit was nothing like theirs. As I got closer, I saw Xocho, with her characteristic curls.

-Hi Xocho, good morning.

She turned around and gave me a smile.

-Hi Amelia, hey, attention please, she's Amelia, she decided to come at the last minute.

Everyone looked at me, smiled, and greeted me.

-Nice to meet you, I'm glad to be here.

I was so nervous because I felt like when you introduced yourself for the first time in a class. Suddenly Xocho took me by the arm and interrupted my thoughts.

-Let's go, have your ticket, we'll sit together.

We walked arm in arm as if we were childhood friends or had known each other for many years, which made me feel comfortable with her.

When we got on the bus, she took out her iPod and offered me an earphone. And her playlist started with Tahitian Moon by Porno for Pyros.

The change in vegetation was impressive, I knew we were arriving because of the giant ferns and the cocks that were everywhere. Tropical climate plants flooded the landscape: Arum lilies, azaleas, hydrangeas, and the beautiful orchids.

Finally, the bus stopped, and everyone got off excited. The first thing we looked for was a place to eat. The weather was humid, and the air felt so pure. The stone streets and small houses were beautiful. We decided to have breakfast at a little restaurant that had its griddle in view and at the entrance there was a sign that said:

Delicious stuffed molotes 3 x 20 pesos

Picaditas 12 pesos

Chicken soup 50 pesos

Memelas 15 pesos

-Good morning, I would like 3 molotes to start.

Xocho ordered some picaditas with hibiscus water. I ordered a coffee.

I ended up eating six molotes, the tinga one was delicious, I wanted to eat more, but I wouldn't be able to walk so much with a full stomach.

After finishing, we all headed to the hotel, we got to the area that faced the botanical garden they had. Everything was full of trees and colorful flowers.

-Amelia, do you want to share a room with me? Xocho asked.

-Of course

We headed to our room, it was small, but it had a huge window at the entrance and another window facing the town. I was so amazed.

-I've added you to the WhatsApp group, today will be our free day because Toño, the guide had an accident and will arrive tomorrow. Would you like to take a walk?"

-Actually, I'm dying to know more about the community.

The first place we went to was the community market. Where the ladies spread out a blanket or a mat and put their products. Mostly herbs, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms. All freshly cut. We approached a lady who had mushrooms of all colors and shapes. Xocho excitedly took them all.

-How much is it?

-30 pesos, mija

We both looked at each other in surprise.

-I'll give you 50 pesos, thank you very much.

- Well, that was quite cheap. I replied.

- Yes! Look what we have here: Cazahuates, Matacandiles, Pollitos, Morchellas, Orejas de Vaca, imagine the delicacy of soup we'll make with these.

-Well, over there are some quelites, we can add them to the soup. I added.

We bought vegetables, fruits, roots, and continued walking around the town, taking pictures, we ate a macadamia ice cream.

-I thought you wouldn't come.

-Me too, but everything fell into place for me to be here.

-Maybe the mushrooms have something for you on this trip, let's go, we must cook and take a walk in the hotel's botanical garden, what do you think?

-Yes, I don't even know what time it is, but I'm hungry." I looked at my watch and it was 4:30 pm. Time had passed quite quickly.

When we arrived, we went to the hotel's kitchen and asked if we could cook there, the lady told us to leave our things, give her the idea, and she would cook it without a problem.

-Thank you very much. Xocho and I said at the same time, and we headed to our room.

-If you want, we can take a break before going to see the garden.

-Actually, I would like to take a shower.

-Fine Amelia, enjoy, I'll lay down for a while.

I showered, the water was cold, but the bath was quite pleasant. I felt so fulfilled and happy.

When I came out, Xocho was on the bed with a shiny box and called me.

-Look, I have a surprise for you.

She opened the box, and there were some chocolates.

-How delicious! can I take the one that looks like a mushroom?

-Yes, but first, I must tell you that they are Chocohongos. They are made with Psilocybe zapotecorum, they are hallucinogenic. Would you still like to try them?