They tell us love is like a fairy tale. You know, find that "perfect" someone and suddenly life becomes a series of never-ending, sunlit picnics. No more troubles, no more worries—just endless days filled with laughter and love because you've found your other half, the lid to your pot, the cheese to your macaroni.

But here's the kicker: that's not love. That's a sales pitch for Valentine's Day cards.

Falling in love isn't about ticking off a checklist of someone's traits, like you're shopping for the perfect product off the shelf. It's so much more complex and beautiful than that. Love is this unseen force, a kind of magic that pulls two people together and ties them in a shared journey.

When you start this journey, you're signing up for something that needs your effort every single day. That initial spark? It's just the prelude. The reality of a relationship is in what comes next: a lot of work.

I hope it doesn’t sound unromantic, calling it work. Now, don't get me wrong—I'm not talking about "work" as in the corporate soulless job. I don’t mean work like drudgery, an early morning commute and stale coffee and watching the clock , the kind that makes you crave the weekend. I'm talking about the kind of work that artists dive into when they're creating something breathtaking. It's about pouring your soul into building something unique, piece by piece.

Think about how an artist gets lost in their craft. They're not just working; they're infusing their very essence into what they're creating. It's a commitment, fueled by purpose and a drive to reach greatness.

Loving deeply is an active choice, not a prize you stumble upon. It's like beginning a masterpiece with a blank canvas. Every day, you get to add a little more to the picture—depth, color, light, and shadow, capturing the essence of your shared experiences.

This crafting of a relationship is much like an artist shaping their creation. You start with the basics—the raw attraction and connection. But the real magic lies in what you do with these beginnings. You've got to be ready to navigate through the tough times, molding and refining your bond, just as an artist perfects their piece.

All artists hit creative roadblocks from time to time—that's totally normal.

Sure, it's challenging. Relationships aren't always smooth sailing. And just like an artist career you may face individual and joint hardships: struggling with money worries, practicing unhealthy comparison, wrestling with Impostor syndrome.

You'll face misunderstandings and conflicts, the kind of stuff that can make love feel like a battle at times. But it's through these trials that your bond grows stronger and more profound. Like the old saying goes “Practice make perfect”

"Hone your craft". Oh, how I adore those three little words. They're like a love letter to the dedicated, the obsessed, the utterly smitten with their art. Those words are a gentle nudge, a rallying cry, a whisper in the ear that says, "Keep going, you're on to something beautiful.”

Whether you're penning novels, splashing color on a canvas, capturing the world through a lens, or weaving melodies, "hone your craft" is your mantra. It's the thing that gets you up in the morning and keeps you up at night. It's the commitment to the grind, the dance with the muse, the endless pursuit of that elusive something that will make your soul sing.

It's about the grit, the grind, the sheer, unadulterated joy of getting your hands dirty in the name of art. Write more, film more, play more, design more. Dive deep into the works of those who've walked this path before you, and let their brilliance light your way. Tinker, toy, experiment, and explore. This is your playground, your battleground, your sanctuary.

What better way to describe the act of being in a relationship then honing your craft?

Loving someone at their best is a breeze. It's when they're at their worst that love becomes a test—a test of patience, of strength, of true grit. It's in those moments, when you see them raw and unfiltered, that love shows its true colors.

And yes, sometimes it's tempting to cut and run, to save yourself from the discomfort and the chaos. But if you do, you miss out on the growth, the depth, the real magic of love, just like an artist that gives up before becoming a master.

Choosing to stay, to love through the mess and the pain, isn't the easy choice, but it's the one that leads to real, profound growth. It's what forges a connection that's deep, true, and unbreakably strong.

The art world is rife with definitions of what makes a real artist. Some say it's the years of practice you have accumulated, your gallery exhibitions, or your art degree. But none of these define an artist. Fact is, if you make art, you are an artist. So if you are sharing the journey of a relationship with someone, working in your masterpiece and honing your craft, you are an artist as well.

Loving someone is the most vital work you'll ever do. It's about embarking on a journey of growth and discovery, being open to change and betterment. It's about slowing down, tuning in, and giving your all to foster a connection that's deep and true.

So when the going gets tough, choose love. Stick around. Remember: love is an art. And like any great art, it requires patience, dedication. Do the hard work. It's in those moments, those tough, gritty, real moments, that love truly becomes a fairy tale—just not the kind you read about in storybooks.

So, hone your craft. Committing to your craft, committing to love means recognizing that perfection is a horizon always out of reach, yet always worth striving for.