Times moves differently when you're full-time in crypto.

Everyday is not 8 hours. There are no weekends off. The entire office doesn't just "take an hour for lunch" and then everybody comes back at the same time, feeling refreshed and ready to get back to work.

Crypto is 24 hours a day. And if your average person, with your avergae job, only works around 8 hours a day, well then in crypto land, each day is actually the equivalent to 3 entire days. And then it starts over again. And of course, there are no weekends off.

Despite this time-fallacy, most people in the "real world" wish they could have as much "free time" as we crypto degenerates do. They wish they could wake up whenever they want, do whatever the fuck they want, not have anybody tell them what to do, and feel completely autonomous with their time.

But that's retarded. And a very enticing carrot on a stick to the masses caught in the rat race of doing what other people tell them all day. It is simply a hope that they keep in their mind to justify continuing to run the race. Because of course, the crypto rat race is the fastest fucking race of them all, and it legitimately never stops.

Normies often like to complain that things in their life never stop. They have no fucking idea what the concept of "never stopping" actually fucking means. If you can leave your job at the office or the building or whatever, then your job actually does fucking stop. But because the grass is always greener, you constantly whine and moan like you actually want my job - the job that actually never fucking stops and goes 3x faster than the real world and literally doesn't take any fucking breaks ever.

Most people like to think they can handle something like this. Because "at least it's better than what I'm doing now." No, you fucking idiot, it's not. Shut up. You're just retarded and ignorant, and those personality traits will have you fucked very quickly in crypto. And because nobody will hold your hand, unlike literally every other job you've ever had in your entire fucking life, when you get fucked in crypto you will have no fucking idea why it happened or how to prevent it from happening again. And it will happen again.

In crypto, only YOU are in control. There are very few jobs in the world where only YOU are in control. Literally nothing anybody else does will ever affect you in crypto, because it is only everything that you do that already affects you. If you even THINK that what somebody else has done has affected you, you've already fucked up. And you probably wouldn't even consider that a fuck up, because in the real world, it's pretty natural to blame other people when shit doesn't go your way or when somebody does something that you obviously didn't have any control over. But this isn't the real fucking world, idiot.

Or maybe this is the real fucking world? Maybe this world is even more fucking real than anything you have ever experienced in your entire fucking life, and it's so fucking different from anything you've experienced so far that you have no fucking idea how to deal with it. And you wouldn't even know either way, because in crypto, nobody will fucking tell you anything. So you're on your own. And when you're on your own, fucking good luck figuring shit out because nobody will hold your hand about something being right or wrong or stupid or smart. Time is moving 3x faster than it normally does, and you're worrying about what's right and what's wrong? Stop worrying about that bullshit, you need to hurry up.

Hurry up for what, you might ask? Fuck you, that's what. You can't ask anybody shit. You think someone is going to give you a fucking honest answer to your stupid little fucking question? It's funny that you even think people will LISTEN to a fucking question by an idiot who is so stupid he thinks he can ask other people questions and that they will give him a straight and honest answer.

These people are out to fuck you. You asking them questions is like pulling your panties down. You think you have time to ask questions?

Addicted to the game/.