It’s International ‘slap-something-purple-on-a-post-and-call-it-a-day (and remember the flowers)’ Day.
So I present to you:
Nature Morte… Nature Ma$$acrée.
I almost didn’t post anything but I had many thoughts in my mind that wanted to be expressed so here we are.
Bearing witness and standing in communion with the women - and their families - that are being ma$$acred, humiliated, deprived from obstetric and hygienic care, malnourished… the list goes on and the occupier keeps getting more psychotic, and we keep bearing witness.
March 8th, 2024.
This is day 153 of the Ghazzan calendar.
This is International Women’s Day, or is it?
Cease🔥 NOW


Woman is Life.

Woman carries Life within her

and Life carries Death within it.

We cut flowers and marvel at their beauty, uprooted from their environment to decorate ours.

They fight for their life, then they die...

They die but the stem would still hold life,

They die but the seeds would still disperse life.

The women of Ghazza are being uprooted, plucked, dismembered and dissected for the joy of the sadistic occupier, content that fills our feeds as we scroll.

Bear witness as these women bear the weight of these atrocities, baring the Free Modern World values naked in front of the masses eyes.
Bear witness and take every action possible to cease these murderous hands from sowing further evil and monstrosity.

On International Women’s Day this year, it is impossible for me ‘to celebrate’ and to not be ‘in communion’ with our mothers, sisters and daughters in Ghazza, in Falasteen, in Lebanon - my motherland, in Congo, in Sudan and everywhere where a woman is being subjected to utter humiliation, character and physical harm and threat.
On International Women’s Day, may the Nature Morte tableau of Ghazza’s women shake you and push you to defence and preservation action.

Winter will be over soon, and the seeds will start sprouting again. It is our duty to ensure these beautiful colourful lives and their families are allowed to resurrect (Easter Resurrection is around the corner too and they've got the blueprint for it) and thrive again.

‘They tried to bury us, but they didn't know we were seeds’...
Watered by the River, anointed with the Sea breeze.