At the close of 2020, decentralized finance (DeFi) emerged as a transformative trend, granting individuals the power to become their own banks, free from intermediaries. This marked a paradigm shift, enabling attractive interest earnings, seamless lending, and accessible fund management 24/7, eliminating bureaucratic hurdles and garnering widespread attention.

The subsequent year, 2021, witnessed a surge in NFTs, the metaverse, and blockchain-based video games, ushering in a new era. People began to recognize the intrinsic value of digital ownership, departing from conventional gaming practices that yielded no economic benefits. The advent of NFTs and smart contracts introduced tradable rewards, creating avenues for profitable engagement in these digital realms. As the understanding of the advantages of these technologies permeated, their gradual adoption became an inevitability.

This trend isn't confined to the financial and gaming sectors; it extends to decentralized sciences (DeSci). Scientists grapple with challenges akin to those faced by users in traditional finance and gaming. This analogy underscores how decentralization could surmount obstacles, offering a more efficient and accessible outlook within the scientific domain.

**DeSci as a solution**

Consider health as humanity's most invaluable asset, and the preservation of the environment as a crucial priority. Nevertheless, the progress in sciences and biotechnology—key to improving our quality of life—has encountered impediments. These hindrances stem not from a lack of resources or competent scientists, but rather from specific economic interests backed by centralized structures that impede scientific advancement. Inadequate funding further stifles research, as the absence of financial support hinders in-depth and sustainable studies. Unfortunately, this funding is often selectively determined by a few individuals prioritizing personal economic interests over the common good and scientific progress.

DeSci emerges as the remedy for the inherent challenges of centralization in scientific research. By decentralizing the process, research funding shifts from the hands of a few to the determination of millions. This democratization enables anyone to invest in research crucial for progress, reaping benefits in return.

This approach not only propels countless innovative scientific projects but also facilitates the involvement of individuals irrespective of their economic standing. The opportunity to contribute to and directly benefit from scientific advancements marks a profound departure from the traditional dynamic where decision-making was concentrated in the hands of a privileged few. In this new paradigm, science evolves into a collaborative effort, where diversity of ideas and active community participation propel more dynamic and equitable innovation.

**Anticipating the rise of DeSci in 2024**

Several factors indicate that DeSci could become a prevailing trend in 2024. The growing awareness of the limitations of centralization in scientific research and biotechnology has triggered a quest for more inclusive and efficient models. Decentralization becomes the tool to overcome financial and decision-making barriers, fostering a more democratic approach.

Moreover, the positive experiences of decentralization in areas like finance and blockchain technology instill confidence in its effectiveness. People are increasingly inclined to explore decentralized solutions to address fundamental issues such as health and environmental preservation.

This shift promises not just positive impacts on scientific progress but also a more equitable and redistributive economy. It deviates from the concentration of benefits in a few mega-companies that traditionally monopolized profits in health and biotechnology industries, generating substantial annual revenues. In this new paradigm, profit distribution appears more egalitarian, allowing any willing individual to directly benefit from advances in science, health, and technology.

This transformation involves not only investing in specific companies' stocks or stock indices but also directly investing in specific projects and research. A novel element, patent rights, is introduced through mechanisms like NFTs. Acquiring parts of a research patent becomes possible. Investors not only support a specific company or research but also become partial patent holders. In the future, regardless of who implements the resulting technology, investors can secure economic benefits. This approach signifies a significant evolution in how investments in the scientific and technological field are approached.

The possibility for any individual, regardless of their economic capacity, to contribute to and benefit from scientific advancements acts as a strong motivator. Global participation in decision-making on scientific research can lead to a diversification of ideas and approaches, driving innovation more effectively than centralized models.

**The fusion of DeSci and Blockchain-based gaming: a glimpse into the future**

Looking forward, it's plausible to envision an innovative fusion between Decentralized Sciences (DeSci) and blockchain-based video games. Imagine engaging in a game that not only entertains but also directly contributes to the advancement of scientific projects. This synergy creates a space where the gaming community becomes a driving force for research and innovation.

This innovative approach could not only capture the interest of digital entertainment enthusiasts but also redefine the way scientific projects are funded and developed. The possibility of combining fun, learning, and contribution to research on a global scale is fascinating and promising for the future of the intersection between blockchain technology, video games, and science. This model could be a catalyst for a new era of collaboration between diverse disciplines, transcending traditional boundaries and opening unexplored horizons in the interaction between society, technology, and scientific knowledge.

**Towards agile and collaborative research**

In a world where the speed of scientific advances is essential to address global challenges, decentralized sciences offer a path toward more agile and collaborative research. The trend towards decentralization in other areas suggests that this philosophy could naturally extend to the scientific realm in 2024, marking a new era of innovation and progress driven by global participation and a more equitable distribution of resources.

Is crucial for addressing global challenges, decentralized sciences pave the way for more agile and collaborative research. The trend toward decentralization in other domains suggests that this philosophy could naturally extend to the scientific realm in 2024, ushering in a new era of innovation and progress driven by global participation and a more equitable distribution of resources. This paradigm shift not only promotes faster response to emerging issues but also fosters inclusivity, leveraging the collective expertise and resources from diverse corners of the globe. By embracing decentralized approaches in scientific endeavors, we anticipate a transformative impact on how breakthroughs are achieved, fostering a dynamic and interconnected global scientific community poised to tackle the complex challenges of our time.