Gm. This is Trust Me Bro

Welcome back to our newsletter. Ready for a quick catch-up on all things onchain socials?

This week's menu:

  • Lens is Permissionless 🌿
  • Kaira V2 is Here 💥
  • SiBorg: The New Kid on the Podcast Block 🎙
  • Trusted Talent #19 - Permissionless Edition 🎨
  • Farcaster Frames: This Week's Highlights 🖼
  • Beer Taste - Denver Great Divide Brewing 🍻


Please, subscribe to read. It's free

OG tip: Subscribe here using your wallet address to earn referral rewards (in ETH or MATIC) and more.


Frens, let's join forces?

10% off for Lens Protocol projects (first 3 only) to celebrate Permissionless 🌿

Keen to Collab? Learn more and apply here


Lens Permissionless 🌿

Unveiling the Ecosystem 🤓

Lens Protocol’s tearing it up on Polygon, making onchain social media the cool kid on the block. Here’s the skinny:

  • Own your social scene, lock, stock, and barrel.
  • Decentralisation isn’t just a buzzword; it’s our bread and butter.
  • Engaging portfolio of apps and experiences.
  • Creators, get ready to cash in.
  • Hop on without a crypto wallet? You bet.
  • The community’s more alive than ever.

The Big News: Permissionless Has Landed 🥳

Going permissionless with Lens is like opening the gates to the biggest, baddest block party in town. It’s all about giving you the keys to your digital kingdom. The Lens crew’s been busy bees:

  • Scaling with Momoka so your data doesn’t hit a wall.
  • Open Actions for that custom fit.
  • Building a social graph that’s not just big, but meaningful.
  • Kicking off decentralised governance, because who doesn’t love a say?
  • Permissionless? It means come one, come all. Lens opened the doors last Tuesday Feb 27, and boom, around 60K new faces joined the fun since then. Talk about making an entrance.

Getting In: No Crypto, No Cry 😁

Worried about needing crypto to get your handle? Don’t sweat it. “No crypto? No problem.” With Stripe in the mix, mint your profile with FIAT or MATIC and join the garden.

Why Open is Awesome 💥

Day one of permissionless and posts on Lens are hitting nearly 8k views in just hours. Example? Our Bro Gram's post: 😁

Why shout into the void elsewhere when you can be an OG on Lens?

How to Interact and Grow on Lens 🤝

Got your Lens handle? Time to dive into the social swim with a splash! Remember #LMCC:

  • ❤ Like: Show some love; hit that like button hard.
  • Mirror: Reposting is caring. Share the gems you find.
  • 💬 Comment: Get chatty. A thoughtful comment can go a long way. Some of the best ideas on Lens come from fired up discussions in the comments
  • 💰 Collect: Mint posts you adore. It’s collecting digital art!

Lens thrives on genuine interactions. By engaging, you’re not just another user—you’re part of a vibrant, collaborative community. Dive in, make friends, be respectful and start building your collection of unique, Lens-native social graph.

Wrapping Up: Permissionless Rocks 👏

This leap to permissionless is a game-changer, a declaration that our digital selves belong to us. Ready to make your mark? There’s no better time than now.


Remember, you’re not just on the sidelines; you’re owning the game, improving the eco-system, and having a blast while at it. Don’t just watch— come in and help the garden to grow!

Lens inflow this week


Kaira V2 is Here 💥

Launched in April 2023 on Lens Protocol, Kaira is reshaping the social media landscape with its unique DeFi integration and user-centric features.

Why Kaira? 😉

  • Ownership & Monetisation: Empower creators to truly own and profit from their content.
  • Decentralised Freedom: Say goodbye to centralised control and hello to open, transparent social interactions.
  • Rich Ecosystem: Dive into a vibrant community offering endless opportunities for engagement and growth.

What’s New in Kaira V2? 🔥

This week marked a pivotal moment with Kaira V2’s unveiling, introducing enhancements that redefine user experience:

  • Revamped UI/UX: A sleek, user-friendly interface awaits, making your social experience smoother than ever.
  • Wallet Integration: Seamless access through TrustWallet, Rainbow, Safe, and more via WalletConnect.
  • Social Launchpad: Discover, participate, and track Initial Social Offerings (ISOs) effortlessly.
  • Enhanced Interactions: Bookmark, quote, and save drafts with ease.
  • Media Player Advancements: Enjoy a state-of-the-art media playback..
  • PWA Accessibility: Kaira V2 is now accessible as a Progressive Web App across all devices, ensuring you're always connected.
  • Community Growth: Initiatives in Nigeria and Pakistan signal Kaira’s global ambition.

Engagement Initiatives: Over 20 contests have sparked creativity within the community.

A Warm Welcome

First-time logins to Kaira V2 are greeted with a personalised message from the Kaira team, making your entry into the new version truly special.

Our Best Takes on Kaira V2 🚀

  • Decentralised Rewarding Protocol: Engage with content and earn $KAIRA, with rewards distributed between creators and consumers after 7 days.
  • Design Evolution - Responding to community feedback, Kaira V2 sports a soft, sleek design, moving away from conventional content structures to offer a unique browsing experience.
  • Kaira V2 isn’t just an update: By prioritising user ownership, monetisation, and a permissionless framework, Kaira is paving the way for a new era of online interaction.

Kudos to the Kaira team! Your hard work is paying off 👏

Haven't tried Kaira,yet? Give it a go here

Kaira V2: Engage, earn $KAIRA, and build your community


SiBorg: The New Kid on the Podcast Block 🎙

What's SiBorg, You Ask? 🙄

Imagine if podcasts and Spaces got a web3 glow-up. That's SiBorg App for you – crafted by the brains at SwissBorg, running on the Polygon network, and here to shake things up in the audio universe.

Multiple Login Options: SiBorg's rolling out the red carpet for everyone. Whether you're a crypto wizard or a web2 wanderer, you've got choices – crypto wallet, X, Google, or Apple? Take your pick and step into the future.

Lens Protocol Integration: At its core, SiBorg is weaving Lens Protocol into its core, promising a future rich in decentralised social interactions. Here’s what’s cooking:

  • Transparent Transactions: Thanks to Polygon, you can see exactly where your contributions go ( onchain governance).
  • User Empowerment: By syncing with Lens Protocol, SiBorg is all about handing control back to its community.
  • A Broader Vision: Initial reliance on Web2 logins is a stepping stone to a fully integrated Lens ecosystem, making SiBorg a forward-thinking platform.

Why Bother? 🤔

It's not just another app. it's a gateway to a community-driven digital space where every voice matters. With plans to deepen its Lens Protocol integration, SiBorg is setting the stage for a truly decentralised social media experience.

Token Talk and Community 🤝

Heart of SiBorg? Its vibrant community, guided by the $SIB token. From governance to token utility, SiBorg is crafting an ecosystem where creators and fans not only engage but thrive together. It's a collective effort to steer the SiBorg ship.

Our Two Cents 🤓

SiBorg's playing it smart with login options. A nod to decentralisation while keeping the door wide open for newbies? Plus, a governance eco system? We're here for it. And with more Lens magic on the way, we're keeping our eyes peeled.

Keen to Explore?

The beta phase of SiBorg App is invite-only, ensuring a tailored and exclusive experience and running on Testflight for Apple and you can also find SiBorg App on Google Play.

Anyway, you can try to reach them out & ask for an invite code (say you're from the Bros crew)🤫

Want to learn more? Check it out here


Trusted Talent #19 - Permissionless Edition 🎨

New to Lens? This one's for you!

Trusted Talent #19 is throwing the floor open exclusively for newbies. Here’s your chance to shine, showcase your collectible posts, and bag 10 WMatic while getting featured in our next newsletter.

How to Participate:

  • Be new on Lens. Simple as that.
  • Head over to this link, jump into the comments, and share your collectible post.
  • The comment with the most likes wins. Make sure it’s a collectible to land a spot in our Art Gallery.

Let’s elevate newbies to OGs.

Show your support with a #LMCC to cheer on the creators and the show. Ready to be part of something big? Show your talent to our community🤗


Farcaster Frames: This Week's Highlights 🖼

Farcaster is taking the social web by storm, introducing Frames that are reshaping our digital interactions. Here's 3 good examples we picked for this week:

The Big Picture

Farcaster isn't just changing the game; it's creating a whole new playground for us all. Here’s to the digital explorers and the creators making the web a more connected place 🥂

Any utility here? 😂


Beer Taste - Denver Great Divide Brewing 🍻

Long hackathon and networking days at ETH Denver can leave you thirsty and craving something more than just coffee. So, whether you're looking for a quick break from all the buzz or celebrating success with your dev crew, Great Divide Brewing Company is the perfect escape.

Brewing Boldness Since 1994

Established in 1994, Great Divide, they've built a reputation for crafting bold, flavor-packed, and well-balanced beers, earning them numerous awards and a loyal following.

A Diverse Selection for Every Palate

Great Divide offers a wide range of beers to satisfy every taste bud:

  • American Lager: Light. Local. Lager. Their American Lager combines classic malts, new world hops, and traditional yeast for a crisp, refreshing beer you'll love anytime.
  • Hazy IPA: This juicy delight explodes with tropical fruit notes of pineapple, mango, and citrus, leaving a smooth finish that'll leave hop lovers wanting more.
  • Denver Pale Ale: A classic American Pale Ale, it strikes a perfect balance between sweet malt flavor and a crisp, zesty hop finish. Refreshing and perfect for a post-coding session.
  • Yeti Imperial Stout: This award-winning brew is a must-try for dark beer enthusiasts. Expect rich notes of roasted coffee, dark chocolate, and a hint of caramel sweetness – a bold and satisfying treat.
  • Strawberry Rhubarb Sour: Feeling adventurous? This delightful sour offers a refreshing tartness balanced by the natural sweetness of strawberries and rhubarb, creating a vibrant and invigorating flavor experience.

Beyond Beer: Community Champions

Great Divide is more than just brews. They're deeply rooted in the Denver community, actively supporting various non-profit organizations. So, when you raise your glass, you're contributing to the good vibes of the city.

Find Your Oasis at Great Divide

Take a well-deserved break from ETH Denver and head over to Great Divide Brewing Company. Grab a pint, connect with your Web3 Frens, and toast to the successes, lessons learned, and the cool projects!

Location 📍 2201 Arapahoe St, Denver, CO 80205, United States

Cheers anon 🍻


And that's a wrap for this week 🎉

Thanks for reading!

If you liked what you read, don't forget to collect and share 🤗

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