In loving memory of my godfather Chuy,

It's been a year since you left us, yet your presence still lingers in our hearts. You were more than just a godfather; you were a ray of sunshine, a true embodiment of joy and laughter. With a sense of humor that rivaled Mr. Bean's, you brought smiles to everyone around you. Your childlike spirit and playful nature were contagious, and I am fortunate to have inherited a glimpse of your zest for life.

As a truck driver, you journeyed countless roads across Mexico, finding solace in the open highways. Later in life, you established yourself as a merchant in the bustling Mercado de Abastos in Tijuana. Your charisma knew no bounds, and you won the hearts of all who crossed your path. In the market, you were a legend, and your absence left a void that can never be filled.

Though you may no longer be with us physically, your spirit lives on in the memories we cherish. You taught us the value of laughter, love, and living life to the fullest. We will forever hold you close in our hearts, dear Chuy.

Rest in peace, knowing that you are deeply loved and profoundly missed.

With eternal gratitude and affection.