I never understood fully how complex and difficult technical development can be. I still don't. But as is often the case in these matters, the moar I learn, the moar I realize how little I know. My deepest gratitude and respect to the Buidlers. We live by your toil.

I'm a big fan of the Aavegotchi ecosystem and have been for a long time, since mid-2021. I was always inspired by the technical as well as creative community buidlers within their space. It encouraged me to get involved and support their efforts. I am happy to say as we embark into 2024, I am crossing the line from supportive power user to budding developer. I have ideas in mind and no longer wish to wait until others buidl them. Perhaps it's something I could do myself. If I have learned one thing from spending so much time in the space, I am lucky to consider it to be a Founder's Mindset. Let's see what it takes.

I start off with considering what type of project. I want to create a gamification layer on top of existing ecosystem assets. Ok. Simple game concept ideated. Now what? The mental expansion gets a bit distracting here as I start to truly consider the full scope of even the simplest game projects. Then I fall to my knees and give thanks to all those who fight the good fight and buidl the world we enjoy so easily.

So now I'm neck deep in AI conversations, video tutorials and formula and code generation. Through this immeasurable assistance, I begin to wade into the learning pools of Unity, C# scripting, UI design, dataset management, creative asset production and ends more supporting avenues of knowledge. Pairing this with my prior professional background as a web3 community manager (Shoutout to GoodGhosting(HaloFi) and Nori), I feel a sense of competency growing and the first real consideration that I may indeed be able to pull this off.

As of now, the Gotchiverse Media International Game Labs division is officially launched and I am currently playtesting the simplest proof of concept alpha v1 possible of our very first project. I've even produced a custom soundtrack to smooth the brain as you navigate my primitive game loops and tell me where to put the kaizen. Glory to the Buidlers. GMI ; GL frens.