I want to leave it to the 13-year-old 10x engineers.

I want to leave it to the successful founder who has the head and gut to represent a DeFi protocol.

I want to leave it to the scammers who are rug-pulling every little guy.

I want to leave it to the hackers draining your wallet and making more money than everyone else.

I want to leave it to the soulless founders who will use the charisma of other guys to onboard people to their product and then dump them when it's successful.

I want to leave it to the guys who invested early in Bitcoin and Ethereum.

I want to leave it to the cringe-face-making YouTubers shilling every shitcoin there is.

I want to leave it to the hyperconnected bros who have no problem looking at their screens 16 hours a day, 7 days a week.

This adventure turned out to be too much for me.

Just kidding, I'm just dealing with my loss (got hacked and also the company lose some funds). I have no fear of touching my weakest spots; I know that there's only one way up when you hit the bottom.

No way I'm leaving the web3 thrill to you losers.

Love ya, xoxo