When you tidy up your room, think: Many times, reducing something can make more change than adding something.

Of course, this sentence also reflects the ambiguity of the words, reducing some things, in fact, it is increasing the space and increasing the order.

Reducing stuff is cognitively important. Knowing what is worthless is more meaningful than knowing more.

Like reading, the greatest power is knowing what books not to read.

There is nothing like getting rid of certain illusions that one has had for the progress of one's heart.

And, when subtracting those false illusions, we do not lose the ability to dream, and we do not become indifferent because of the existence of this world.

The New Year is a strangely artificial time node, and most of the time most people either carry on the New Year with a wash of the false illusions of previous years, like putting on a new expiration label for expired milk, or the remnants of youth have been erased by the years. Of course you're different.

Happy New Year!