Okay... this isn't actually a piece of tech - but it functions like that. Baoism is a syncretic liberation philosophy. What's that mean? Well, it means that it lets you pick what works for you and the guru is who you choose to listen to - maybe your fifth grade teacher, maybe a spiritual teacher, or maybe you are the teacher (Bao Ji) of precious treasures to yourself.

Baoism (https://baoism.org) has been in iterative development over many years.

Over the last two years, I experimented and did market research with an intentionally silly religion (Baldism/Bald Jesus) - something that I could shrug and laugh about - but which was actually something very serious beneath the surface. I wanted to live the philosophy that had been growing in me from all the teachers I have encountered. I wanted to see how the world reacted to it. I wanted to play in a sandbox, but for faith/religion/spirituality -there is no sandbox - people tend to be VERY serious about it all. Hence - my silly religion.

Baoism was beneath it all the time - but unrefined and hidden in plain sight. What I have always sought was a mechanism to bridge the great ideas and teachings without creating the us/them. My work in startups and crypto taught me a lot about iterative creation, software forking, and also bridging. It also taught me a lot about people. I think of Baoism as a sort of browser extension, an add-on - like a small piece of code you import to your safari browser that gives it super powers.

The idea is that any faith, any religion, any philosophy can add-on Baoism with no threat to the underlying faith, deities, or ideas and also that Baoism doesn’t empower some god, guru, or cult leader over the knowledge that resides within the individual. So in effect, a person could be a Baoist Hindu, a Baoist Buddhist, a Baoist Muslim, a Baoist Christian, or even a Baoist Satanist without threatening their underlying system - though, I think that like Sufism, Taoism, Buddhism, Gnosticism, and other liberation philosophies - one can’t begin to see the truth and still empower disempowering belief systems.

Given time and the right inputs - we all become beings without labels and the labels cease to exist.

Be Happy!

Welcome to Baoism.