Don't sit there.

Sitting for a total of more than six hours a day is considered sedentary, as is sitting for 1.5 hours at a time.

What are the dangers of sitting? Studies have found that sedentary adults are associated with significant increases in type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease, as well as increased mortality from all causes, particularly cancer and cardiovascular disease. A study based on 360,000 people in the UK found that after sitting for up to six hours, the incidence of the first several diseases showed a linear increase, that is, the longer the time sitting, the greater the risk of disease.

If sedentary behavior occurs in children, it can also lead to poor social integration, unsociable personality, obesity and sleep problems. Sedentary mothers are also seeing an increase in gestational diabetes and perinatal complications. That is to say, pregnant women sit for a long time, giving birth to children are not good.

One of the main reasons why children are sedentary is that they spend too much time using electronic products. The study found that 13-18 year olds spend an average of 6.5 hours of screen time a day, and 2-12 year olds spend up to four hours.

So the global guidelines make two clear recommendations: First, limit your child's screen time to less than two hours. The most effective way is to set limits directly on healthy phone or ipad use, and to check daily how much your child is using it. Second, even if you want to watch, you should remove all electronic products from the child's bedroom, and then go to bed.

Tips for improving sitting: Set a 90min alarm clock and get up regularly to walk and stretch; Choose adjustable desk, standing office; Walk or stand more often during your commute; It is recommended to stand during meetings longer than 1 hour.

Activities that can alleviate the dangers of sitting: Active stretching, building small muscle groups, and increasing cardiorespiratory endurance.