And insights from NfinityLabs' CEO on community building πŸŒπŸš€

Today's agenda...

  • Explore unconventional Web3 talent pools beyond LinkedIn and freelancing platforms, discovering hidden gems in decentralized spaces. πŸ’ŽπŸ”
  • Dive into the strategies for success in Web3 community building with expert insights from NfinityLabs, navigating the unique dynamics of communication, marketing, and community management. πŸš€πŸŒβ°

⏰ Reading time : 7 min


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Web3 talent hunt: beyond LinkedIn and freelance platforms! πŸŒπŸš€

In the bustling Web3 ecosystem, sourcing talent demands a flair for the unexpected. Enter the uncharted territories of talent acquisition with a fresh perspective. Let's discover 3 unusual places where web3 talent is hiding.πŸ’ŽπŸ”

1. Degenscore: decoding DeFi for talent πŸ¦πŸ‘Ύ

Imagine a place where decentralized finance (DeFi) meets talent scouting – that's Degenscore. This platform cleverly gauges a professional's prowess in the DeFi space, offering a unique lens to spot individuals who not only talk the talk but also are really active in the decentralized financial realm.

How does it work ?

Each user can mint a Beacon profile, which is in fact an SBT. The greater their on-chain activity, the higher their score, giving them access to privileged opportunities within the ecosystem: early-bird access, airdrops, etc.

For some time now, Degenscore has been enabling companies to promote their jobs to this highly initiated audience. All you need to do is include a field in your application form for candidates to add their Beacon profile.

You can contact them here.

β€œThe DegenScore Beacon holders are the most active and skilled onchain users across crypto and control over $400m just on Ethereum.” according to the Degenscore website.😱

2. Talent Protocol: nurturing builder ambitions πŸŒπŸ’Ό

The aim of Talent Protocol is to help builders achieve their goals. The community can support and advise them, and the more active they are on the protocol, the more $TAL token rewards they earn. Their ambition is to become one of the top 10 Social Fi applications.

The number of active users remains fairly limited, at around 2,700 per month, but these are highly qualified profiles committed to web3. As a recruiter, it's a promising talent pool that's easy to get in touch with via the application's messaging system. You can create an account free of charge and without any conditions.

3. Intropia

This solution named Intropia brings a fresh, global vision to the notion of contribution in web3. Indeed, talent sourcing tools are still highly segmented, generally into these 3 categories: employee recruitment, freelance recruitment and bounty hunting platform.

As a company, this is a rather novel way of making your job offers visible in one place, as well as the grants you offer and the hackathons and events you take part in.

Example of the Ethereum Foundation page on Intropia

You can also offer a referral bonus to encourage Talent on the platform to leverage their network in your favor.

Example of a job offer with a referral bonus of 5 K$ offered by Native


Talent isn't confined to the predictable realms. The avant-garde recruiter understands the need to explore uncharted territories, armed with innovative platforms that redefine the rules of talent engagement. So, gear up, dive into these unconventional channels, and unearth the extraordinary talents shaping the decentralized future. It's not just recruitment; it's exploring Web3 potentialities ! πŸŒŸπŸš€


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Beyond the hype: strategies for success in Web3 community building

Passing the pen to NfinityLabs for this article, an agency renowned for its expertise in community creation for Web3 projects. Dive into insights from the experts themselves. πŸš€πŸŒ


Article written by Thomas Salgues (MAYC #8208) - CEO of NfinityLabs


At NfinityLabs, founded in the excitement of Web3 innovation, we quickly understood the vital importance of communities. 🌐

It's crucial to note that communication, marketing, and community creation/management in this new Web3 ecosystem are vastly different from what we've seen in the past. This is a mistake that large institutions and brands have made over the past two years when entering Web3: sticking to their old ways, not grasping the new dynamics, and consequently failing to unite this new type of community.

The success of a project largely depends on thorough preparation because the expectations of Web3 communities are completely decoupled from the traditional market: everything moves quickly, expectations are high, and it's an impatient population with low tolerance for errors and delays.

Keep in mind that once the project is launched, you'll already have a significant workload with ongoing research and partnership development, organizing AMAs and Twitter Spaces, community engagement, and project management. This is why perfect preparation is imperative.

To properly prepare for your project launch, here are 5 key steps:

1. Conceptualization & planning

  • Define your vision/concept/utilities clearly and precisely (artistic, utility, membership, gaming, etc.). This can also be called a roadmap, but prefer the term vision, which is more dynamic and less limiting.
  • Choose your Blockchain (Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, Arbitrum, etc): select the suitable blockchain one considering transaction costs, user community, and your project needs.
  • Define your timeline: plan short and long-term development, including clear milestones and objectives. πŸ—“οΈ

2. Content creation

  • Create the NFT collection: produce NFTs in advance, taking the time to define metadata, rarity, traits, etc.
  • Define your Artistic Direction: create a Moodboard for a unified artistic direction in your communication.
  • Create marketing material: this includes all necessary communication material for your launch, such as logos, banners, sneak peeks of NFTs, trailers, infographics, etc. 🎨

3. Technical aspect & development

  • Develop your Smart Contract.
  • Make audit your Smart Contract. Here are a few smart contract auditors : Hacken, Certik and Slowmist.
  • Use a turnkey solution or develop your own minting page. βš™οΈ

4. Strategy

  • Define your Go-To-Market strategy: think innovatively about how you want to enter Web3 to generate excitement from the launch.
  • Determine your Sales Strategy: Define your sales mechanism, NFT prices, quantity, taking into account the current market, trends, and perceived value of your project.
  • Implement your communication strategy: if necessary, predefine your vocabulary style, tone, your own wording, and in general, how and when you want to communicate. πŸš€

5. Legal & compliance

  • Ensure your project's compliance with local and international laws regarding cryptocurrencies and NFTs.
  • Draft clear legal documents for your website and sales (Terms of Service, Terms and Conditions, etc.). πŸ“œ


I hope this first article provides you with the basics to prepare your project through concrete and achievable actions. Don't forget to subscribe to the Newsletter because in the upcoming editions, I'll share more about the next steps: creating a community with a Triphasic approach, along with real cases of projects we've undertaken.

In the meantime, remember to follow us on Twitter or Linkedin here:

Twitter : NfinityLabs & Thomas Salgues

Linkedin : NfinityLabs & Thomas Salgues


And as a bonus, here's a handy checklist with some 6 additional tips:

  1. Define your target/ personae 🎯It's essential for targeting communities, influencers/KOLs, and projects most relevant to you.
  2. Draft at least your editorial calendar up to 2 weeks after your mint πŸ—“οΈIt's important to have a clear visibility on your entire communication to establish a relevant communication and teasing strategy.
  3. Prepare all your content (design, logo, banner, trailer, video, infographic...) ⏰ Timing is crucial in Web3; have everything ready to avoid delays and smoothly execute the editorial calendar. Also, prepare all your platforms (Twitter, Discord, Opensea page, etc…).
  4. Create a Litepaper (summary of your project and key info) πŸ“„This will be useful for establishing partnerships with other projects/communities or when organizing AMAs or Twitter Spaces.
  5. Determine what you want for WL/Allowlist and the minting system πŸ’‘Encourage innovation; it's always appreciated in the space.
  6. Make sure to check (if you don't know them personally)……the previous experiences of your team/collaborators/partners, whether they are doxxed (public profiles), or wish to remain anonymous. A Doxxed team is always better received in the ecosystem and brings much more trust.

Chain Reaction thanks Thomas and NfinityLabs for writing this article. πŸ™

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Disclaimer : The goal of this newsletter is to inform and produce content related to management in the world of Web3. It is not investment advice. Investments in crypto-assets and NFTs are risky and can result in the loss of your entire capital. Always conduct your own research and exercise caution.