As part of my exploration into the minds of creatives I find most inspiring, join me as I dive into the mind and recent works of Reza Hasni.

Reza Hasni (b. 1982, Singapore) is a visual artist deconstructing the oddities and dualities of our world, expressed as transcendent parallel realities. His illustration and moving image practice often feeds into collaborations with architecture, installations, mixed reality experiences, music and fashion around Europe and Asia. Read as a contemporary reflection of our world and its unseen energies, his work is a built space for journeying, instead of an end of itself.

'Wheel of Internet'

Wheel of Internet is a tongue-in-cheek rework of the Buddhist drawing of the Wheel of Life. Familiar social media iconography is integrated with visual references that allude to the evolution of the web in one single artwork. The new world of how we experience and perceive our values online collides with how we reflect on our existing online environments.

We can see that Reza's artistic process centers around construction, deconstruction and rebirth, all ever-present themes seen in his work.

'Wheel of Internet' can be purchased as a digital and physical copy on Crowdmuse - a protocol and marketplace for independent creators and brands to collaborate to create custom experiences for their community of collectors.

Crowdmuse supports a network of creators across fashion, design, art and music to give tools to showcase their work with IP attribution and revenue splits on sales made shared amongst all product collaborators.

Reza Hasni's artistic creations represent a convergence of diverse mediums, forming an extremely captivating experience that transports the viewer to another world. His creations almost seem to function as new-age mirrors, skillfully reflecting the infinite levels of our reality.

“Wheel of Time”, 2022

Each piece created truly becomes a portal, calling to its observers to step into his transformative spaces be it digital or physical. These pieces are not time bound and these spaces he creates are far from mere static representations. They serve as dynamic doorways leading to a deeper understanding of the unseen energies that shape our existence. In truly embracing his work, viewers are prompted to question, explore, and ultimately confront the various dimensions of our world, bridging light and dark into one singular space.

“The Heart” is a place of rest, a meeting point, a landmark, a nexus expanding out into the festival’s grounds. As with a town square, it is a multidimensional space activated by the people who engage with it.

About: Reza Hasni (b. 1982, Singapore) is a visual artist deconstructing the oddities and dualities of our world, expressed as transcendent parallel realities. His illustration and moving image practice often feeds into collaborations with architecture, installations, mixed reality experiences, music and fashion around Europe and Asia. Read as a contemporary reflection of our world and its unseen energies, his work is a built space for journeying, instead of an end of itself.

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