Dear Clouds,

What I find to be among the most mysterious aspects of water is the controversy surrounding its 'memory.'

The controversy surrounding the "memory of water" erupted in 1988. Immunologist Jacques Benveniste, the director of the French state institute INSERM, detailed his experiments with highly diluted liquids in the journal Nature. These liquids exhibited an impact on blood cells, even when not a single active molecule was detectable. "It's as if the water remembers having encountered a molecule once," remarked Benveniste.

A committee was formed to challenge the credibility of his studies. After thorough research, several journalists concluded that accusations of fraud against Benveniste were not definitively proven. As a scientist, do you observe a general reluctance among scientists to deviate from currently accepted theories?

I was first introduced to this idea at the age of 16 when I encountered Masaru Emoto's work, arguably the most prominent representative of the "water memory" theory. Growing up agnostically, I recall that it sparked thoughts and questions about our universe and the unseen or imperceptible aspects of it. It forced me to expand my understanding of the word.

Emoto & Artists

The book by Masaru Emoto, a Japanese alternative medicine practitioner, featured crystal images of frozen water, revealing that water crystals undergo changes based on the influences they are exposed to. Emoto conducted experiments where water samples were subjected to various influences such as words, music, or thoughts, and then frozen to observe the resulting crystal formations. According to Emoto, water exhibits hexagonal crystals when the energetic information is peaceful and constructive. Disruption in the crystal structure implies a harsh, destructive force. Words like "misfortune" or "fool" result in weak, disharmonious, or torn ice crystals. Conversely, positive words like "love," "thank you," or "happiness" lead to the creation of harmonious crystals with high aesthetics. This suggests that water has the ability to transmit the vibrations and information of words and thoughts.

Emoto's observations in the mid-1990s made him world-famous, becoming one of the most well-known researchers in the field of "water memory." Lacking rigorous scientific methodology and reproducibility, Emoto never claimed scientific significance; he simply published what he observed. The general scientific community thus categorises his work as pseudoscience.

Scientific observations

Numerous followers have replicated his experiments, capturing images of water crystals, including many artists. It's intriguing how these water crystals seem to narrate a story based on their interactions and experiences. Since none of them assert scientific significance, it is reassuring to witness the endorsement of these observations by a highly respected scientist.

In 2004, Professor Bernd H. Kroeplin, a multiple award-winning German natural scientist and former professor at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Stuttgart, presented systematically acquired new insights that align with the findings of Emoto and his counterparts. Kroeplin's conclusion from his scientific research is that "Water produces reproducible images."

Kroeplin initially sought evidence for barely measurable, weak fields, such as those impacting astronauts in space travel. In this pursuit, he encountered one of the mentioned artists, namely Ruth Klueber from Germany, who created artistic droplet images. She allowed water droplets to evaporate and captured macro shots of the resulting solid residues. Her circular formations exhibit diverse, often surprising shapes, like a South Sea inhabitant in a sample of seawater from Samoa. These droplet images piqued Kroeplin's curiosity: he wanted to ascertain whether external influences could alter the emerging structures.

According to Kroeplin, the image structure in water can be imagined as standing waves or as a hologram. In the images, he could identify components attributable to sedimentation and crystallisation. However, these components alone are not sufficient to explain the structures. Electromagnetic fields certainly contribute, but they cannot be the sole cause, as sound fields - purely mechanical fields - also lead to changes in the images.

His team has conducted experiments with mental influence that seem to show us that, in addition to electromagnetic and mechanical waves, there are waves that do not have these properties and that we as humans can generate.

The implication is that our mind is capable of receiving information and amplifying it in such a way that image-forming forces arise. This is in line with the notion of “mind shapes matter” by taking structures from the overarching (quantum) field and incarnating them into our material world, which is in line with the teachings of Asian wisdom traditions preaching “mind over matter”.

For water and aqueous solutions, this means that in addition to being a substance essential for life, it additionally has a completely different role. It responds to external influences, stores and transmits them as information. Oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams are information repositories with a complex memory, where information can be retained (stored) and forgotten (erased). Since the property of information storage applies to plants, animals, and humans, life on Earth is in a constant exchange of information and thus automatic communication.

Collective consciousness

My first thought was this explains why plants seem to grow better and more healthily when we talk to them. Assuming that, in general, we speak to plants in a loving and positive manner rather than insulting them, Emoto's observations could clarify how we create more beautiful water crystals by sending good vibrations to plants (through our thoughts and words. Given that plants consist of about 80-95% water, it seems natural to me that beautiful water crystals translate to more vibrant, healthier plants.

This concept doesn't apply only to plants of course. Us humans are also influenced by the energies of others, or the frequencies of music. Emoto's observations show that soothing music forms our water crystals differently than heavy metal, explaining why our mood and thoughts can be influenced differently.

Isn't it only natural that energies and frequencies, such as love or hate (conveyed through thoughts and words), impact us? Considering that we and our cells are primarily water, it's not a stretch to see the influence on water reflected in us. We are interconnected through a field of consciousness more than we realise. Our thoughts, mood, and frequencies shape the collective consciousness, affecting our entire environment. As science reveals more, ancient wisdom from traditions like Buddhism or Yoga, which were metaphysical in nature (with Yogis being the "scientists" of that time), is increasingly validated. The concept that we are all one, separation is an illusion, and we are small parts of something bigger, always in interdependence and interconnection, receiving and transmitting information, aligns with the crucial role water seems to play in this information "remembrance" and transmission.

Yours sincerely,
