Born in Vietnam, Thao currently lives in Berlin. She collaborates with London-based Andy and Isaac. The trio share not only a passion for writing but also a love of London.
The Origin of Friendship
After a chance meeting at the London Wordsmiths meetup in October this year, Thao, Andy and Isaac decided to team up to inspire and motivate each other.
Behind the Name
The team name, Anistha, is a combination of the member´s individual names:
An-dy, Is-aac and Tha-o.
One could say that this fusion represents their collaborative writing spirit 😄
The Writing Roadmap
Andy writes mostly non-fiction about his observations of life, and sometimes a bit of fiction to reflect the thought process.
Isaac writes mostly fiction and is currently working on a trangressive fiction novel.
Thao writes mostly autofiction about her background and life as an Asian immigrant in Berlin.