Dear Clouds,

“Good” water as true wealth

In considering your point, I understand that the notion of water as a luxury might initially appear perplexing, given its abundance on our planet—after all, Earth is often referred to as the planet of water, and life wouldn't exist without it. However, it's disheartening to learn about how both natural and human-induced factors are exacerbating water scarcity. Unequal distribution of water resources worldwide has been an ongoing issue, and with the growing population, the pressure on available water supplies is escalating. Additionally, excessive groundwater extraction for agriculture, industry, or domestic use is depleting aquifers faster than they can naturally replenish.

Moreover, when examining our impact on water, various forms of pollution emerge. Industrial discharges introduce heavy metals, chemicals, and toxins into water sources. Agricultural runoff, containing pesticides and fertilisers, reaches rivers and streams through rainfall or irrigation, causing contamination. Urban runoff transports pollutants like oil and debris from urban surfaces into waterways. Oil spills and improper disposal of hazardous waste further contribute to groundwater and surface water contamination. Beyond pollution, human activities, such as dam construction, channelization, drainage, and hydropower use, have altered many rivers in the Alps. Conservation initiatives are pushing for sustainable land management practices and restoration projects, aiming to balance human needs with the preservation of water ecosystems in the region.

Adding to global water justice concerns is the privatisation of water. While the goal is to achieve increased efficiency, improved services, and infrastructure through private sector involvement, critics raise various concerns related to social, economic, and environmental implications. The profit-driven nature of companies sparks questions about whether access to clean and affordable water, a fundamental human right, might be compromised for vulnerable populations. Privatisation can result in higher costs for consumers, placing a burden on low-income communities.

Considering these developments, I am under the impression that "high-quality" water is becoming increasingly scarce. This has led me to perceive access to good water (and air) as a luxury that I aspire to surround myself with. As you pointed out, there's the concept of the "blue mind"—the intuitive sense of well-being experienced near water, which is why many dream of living by the ocean or having a house by the lake. Well-being, extending beyond the norms of our fast-paced society filled with lifestyle diseases, including peace of mind, signifies true wealth to me. The significance of access to good water in achieving this cannot be undervalued.

Nature is enlivening water

In my previous letter, I highlighted the inadequacy of the chemical formula H2O alone in elucidating the true essence of water. The official scientific theory of water is full of holes, known as anomalies, that have yet to be satisfactorily explained. Freezing point, boiling point, density, surface tension – even with these fundamental aspects, water behaves practically differently than the theory suggests it should. For many of these unusual phenomena, there is no plausible scientific explanation as long as one assumes that water can only exist in the three phases of solid, liquid, and gas. About 100 years ago, scientists began to speculate that there might be a fourth phase of water. In recent years, Professor Gerald Pollack and his research team from the United States have made significant discoveries about this fourth phase of water that does indeed exist. Water can be more than just solid, liquid, or gas. This fourth phase is a state between solid and liquid and is sometimes referred to as liquid crystal, as water molecules form a hexagonal structure. Structured water is water that exists precisely in this fourth phase, between solid and liquid. Professor Pollack has demonstrated structured water in numerous experiments and studied its properties. In his publications, he also refers to structured water as EZ water. EZ stands for Exclusion Zone, as during the formation of structured water, impurities are pushed outwards, creating a zone where impurities are excluded.

Structured water is generally associated with natural water sources that have not undergone significant human intervention or processing like rivers and lakes. The swirling (or vortex) motion, the natural water movement that occurs especially in rivers and streams and pristine mountain springs are thought to induce the hexagonal structuring of water molecules. Then the exposure to natural energies such as sunlight or the earth’s magnetic field, the interaction with minerals that are present in the environment (like rock and soil) and changes in temperature and pressure are believed to contribute to the formation of the fourth phase as well.

Worth highlighting is artesian water, which is water from protected water sources at great depth which emerges to the surface on its own accord without the help of human intervention such as pumps. It often accumulates over centuries between impermeable layers, only to find its way to the surface due to excess pressure. Water researchers also refer to it as "mature water," as it emerges powerfully only after completing its maturation cycle. It's somewhat akin to how a human matures in the womb for 9 months before being born. This is reflected in its fine cluster structure - it is “crystalline” or “hexagonal” , which allows the water to store its energetic quality for the long term through stable hydrogen bonds.

What was observed when drinking this water? Not only does this water have high cellular availability. Its great deal of energy dissolves blockages and flushes toxins out of the body. It can be consumed untreated and preservation is not necessary as bacteria cannot proliferate in living water, due to its high self-purifying power.

What strips our water of energy?

On the flip side, what about water that lacks high energy? This is what most of us end up consuming, especially those not residing near pristine water sources in the mountains—sources that undergo natural filtration, swirling, information absorption, and energy infusion over centuries to millennia. Let's pinpoint a few factors that disrupt the natural structure of water: Our water is tainted by industrial discharges and agricultural runoff. It undergoes treatment processes like chlorination and filtration with the addition of chemicals. It travels through extensive pipelines and conduits over great distances, where the mechanical forces and confinement within pipes impede its natural vortex movement. Dams and reservoirs further modify the natural flow patterns of water, potentially disrupting its energy dynamics. If we perceive water as a living and dynamic entity rather than just a wet substance of H2O, we can understand how we strip it of its vitality. The molecules of tap or mineral water are perpendicular and rather disordered, insead of hexagonal and organised. This weakened water may only introduce inorganic minerals into the body instead of effectively flushing toxins out.

The solution?

So, if we do not live in the mountains with access to a spring, we are getting water that is stripped off its liveliness. There are, however, companies that offer the technology for water revitalization/energization that try to emulate the process in nature that infuses water with energy. Under the microscope, changed water structure can indeed be observed. If these technologies establish themselves, people will have more equal access to 'good' water, and vitality levels and overall health in our communities would improve. This is what I whole-heartedly wish for, but at this stage, the scientific community remains cautious as more research is needed that fully understands the implications and potential benefits of structured water. The water-revitalising technologies have not gained widespread acceptance, with many regarding them as dubious products aimed at making a profit.

It seems the more intensively we delve into the topic of water, the more puzzling and mysterious it becomes. Solve one mystery, and two new ones emerge in its place. In my next letter to you, I’d like to discuss with you what I find most mysterious yet.

Your sincerely,
