China, there is a very popular saying recently: "The process of taking possession of the house is about to start defending rights." I never expected that I would become one of the participants in this situation.

The incident started with a sales call. Two months before receiving the apartment, I received a call from a loan manager at a bank. His enthusiastic voice came through the phone line, but as soon as he spoke, it made me shiver. The person on the other end of the phone accurately mentioned my name, the address of my new apartment, and the expected delivery date, but I clearly didn't know him, and I hadn't even opened an account at this bank! After a moment of unease, he began to promote their home renovation loan product, saying that this was a rare low-interest loan with an interest rate of only 0.2% per month, urging me to seize the opportunity. I directly questioned why he knew my information, but whoever it was hung up the phone directly. Unexpectedly, this was just the beginning. In the following week, I received three more calls promoting home renovation loans, all of which had accurate personal information about me.

Just when I couldn't help but find the customer service of the new apartment developer for consultation, I received calls from Yalan mattresses and two full-apartment customization merchants. They promoted their mattresses and full-apartment customization services to me, and they created a WeChat group to start a group buying activity, launching packages such as buying a full set of 16 furniture for 20,000 yuan.

Let's call the developer "Excellence". The customer service of Excellence assured us that they would never disclose customer information, and they were also investigating internally whether there was any leakage of customer information. They asked me to provide clues. This way, they took away what I wanted to say, so what could I say? So I had no choice but to send all the screenshots of the sales calls and group chats that I knew to the customer service. Surprisingly, through the WeChat group created by the merchants, I found an owner group. In this group, although there are still many merchants who are just pretending to be interested, most of them are real owners.

One month before receiving the apartment, someone posted photos of the scene at the building site in the owner group, causing an uproar: there were regular wavy concave patterns on the outer wall! This was very abnormal, and the neighbors immediately became worried. After discussion, we felt deeply concerned that there was a risk of cracking and water seepage. This issue may affect our receipt of the apartment and may also affect our lives. Therefore, under the advocacy of some neighbors, we found the government department responsible for managing completed real estate - the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau - and asked it to supervise Excellence and make them rectify the exterior.