Formed under the auspices of fate and faith, the Hurricane Sisters share a sisterhood that transcends blood. With diverse writing plans spanning from fantasy to romance and introspective pieces, they cherish the unpredictability of their craft and the strength they draw from each other amidst the metaphorical storms of life.

The Origin of Friendship

How we met? That’s a long story for another time. But suffice it to say, God’s hand truly is over every detail of our lives. He brought us together for a very special reason, for which I am eternally grateful. But suffice it to say, God’s hand truly is over every detail of our lives. He brought us together for a very special reason, for which I am eternally grateful.

Behind the Name

I get a laugh outta starin' at darkness
and wondering why people live in the light
I drive fast and I rumble the hardest
I don't feel alive if I ain't in the fight
I can't sleep when there's something to do
You spend your whole life dreaming,
and you wake up dead
It's a long night, can I spend it with you?
‘Cause you’re oh so pretty
when you stand on the edge

Lord Huron puts it so jauntily, how it feels to be a writer. It’s a lonely life’s work, and I’m so blessed to have these girls in the storms alongside me.

When you share a writer’s mind, there’s a sisterhood forged from something deeper than blood. Everything hits you harder than a normal person, the wind and the rain and the love and the pain never ever stops. But my sisters, they draw me into the eye of the storm. They make me feel less insane. The chaos of this world may be churning around us, but we remain safe and loved in each other’s company.

The Writing Roadmap

Across the board, there isn’t much of a plan for our writing. Some of it will be fantasy and dystopian, some of it will be romance and introspective, some will be incredibly random; all of it will be 100% us. We’re vastly different in how we write and what we write about, but that’s what makes this friendship so much fun. That’s what makes it human. It’s unexpected and beautiful in the unpredictability.