Leonardo da Vinci described Nature with painting, his major art. He studied it as a scientist and experimented as an artist: the mineral kingdom, the animal kingdom and above all Man of course with the most famous of his drawings “Vitruvian Man”. His talent for engineering also allowed him to invent but above all to improve several systems such as, for example, the Archimedes screw.
Without being exhaustive, he would today be considered painter, geologist, zoologist, botanist, fabulist, civil and military engineer, and also geographer, surveyor, architect, philosopher, musician etc... in a word, a universal genius of the Renaissance of the arts and sciences.
All of this can be found in his notebooks, manuscripts or codices, most of which are available online:
at the National Library of Spain in Madrid for the "Codice Madrid I & II",
at the Ambrosian Library in Milan for the "Codex Atlanticus",
at the Royal Library of Windsor Castle for the "Codex Windsor",
at the British Museum in London for the "Arundel Codex",
at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London for the "Codex Forster I & II",
and at the Institut de France for manuscripts graded from A to M.
In the Louvre exhibition (2019-2020) dedicated to Lionardo di Ser Piero da Vinci, it is thus presented "He wanted to make painting the universal science of the physical world".