Glittering in the golden morning light;

fluttering wings,

Touch every heartstring of you and me,

Every thought.

The horn of youth,

Play the song of the years,


Titanic blew the trumpet with his heart moved.

complete ending,

Painting is absolutely everything;

The dream weakens,

Looking forward to looking forward to the colorful colors of one meter of sunshine,

Touch the locals in bloom.

black and white pattern,

Colorful rendering.

Use the lightest tones to depict the strongest emotions,

Use the strongest words to praise the weakest emotions.


Planting a tree of youth full of memories,

It gives people a mottled and dreamy feeling.

Look forward to,

The hope held up in the palm of the hand,

Color your soul,

Raise the sails for the future,

A perfect ending to youth.

I can't start "sun",